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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Ratio between NADPH oxidation in cytosol and in plasma membrane of hypoctyls | Soybean Glycine max | 10 | % | 103668 | Cárdenas L, McKenna ST... |
Electric potential of contractile vacuole lumen relative to the cytosol | Protozoan Paramecium multimicronucleatum | ~80 | mV | 112731 | Raven JA, Doblin MA.... |
'Typical' solute concentrations in the cytosol of aquatic plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 105381 | Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics... |
Fraction of total insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) found in cytosol | Unspecified | 95 | Percent | 103367 | Duckworth WC, Bennett RG... |
Non cyclic electron transport flux from cytosol (water) to NADP+ | Unspecified | 1.5 (Table - link) | µmol electrons/(m^2×sec) | 105054 | John A. Raven Functional... |
Non cyclic H+ transport flux from cytosol (water) to NADP+ | Unspecified | 4.5 (Table - link) | µmol H+/(m^2×sec) | 105055 | John A. Raven Functional... |
Fraction of potassium ions in cytosol that need flow out in order to alter the membrane potential by 100mV | Generic | 1E-05 | Of intracellular K+ ions | 106433 | Alberts, Molecular biology... |
Summed phosphate esterified in intermediates in the chloroplast stroma and cytosol under different light conditions | Spinach Spinacia oleracea | Table - link | N/A | 105952 | Gerhardt R, Stitt M,... |
Number of free protons in the cytosol of a single cell (volume 48µm^3) at a pH of 7 | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 3000 | Protons | 106510 | Orij R, Brul S, Smits... |
Carbohydrate concentrations in the cytosol of mesophyll cells of leaves and in the apoplast and in the phloem sap from several plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 106293 | Nadwodnik J, Lohaus G.... |
Relative volumes of the subcellular compartments within the total volume of mesophyll cells in various plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 106290 | Nadwodnik J, Lohaus G.... |
Cytoplasm volume | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 0.67 | µm^3 | 100011 | Neidhardt F.C. Escherichia... |
Rule of thumb for time it takes a protein to diffuse across the cell | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 0.01 | sec | 103801 | "Physical Biology of... |
Osmolarity of cytoplasm | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 300 | mOsm | 104055 | Stock JB, Rauch B, Roseman... |
Concentrations of ions commonly found in the cytosol and the surrounding environment for mammalian cells compared to their concentration in sea water | Mammalian tissue culture cell | Table - link | mM | 107426 | Boal David, Mechanics... |
Sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) concentrations in lumen of lysosome | Metazoa animals | Na+ 20 to 140: K+ 2 to 50 | mM | 117095 | Haoxing Xu and Dejian Ren... |
Fraction of total Phosphorus contained in G6P | Tree Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus | 26 | Percent | 103438 | Martin JB, Bligny R,... |
Fraction of total Phosphorus contained in vacuoles as Pi | Tree Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus | 49 | % | 103440 | Martin JB, Bligny R,... |
Native cytoplasmic volume in HeLa cell | Human Homo sapiens | maximum 4.4 pL: median 1.6±0.7 pL | pL | 112928 | Guillaume-Gentil O et al.... |
Major peak of cytosolic pH | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 7.98 (±0.18) | unitless | 111346 | Yaginuma et al., Diversity... |