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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of neurons in cerebral cortex Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes 6.7e+9 neurons 109329 Hart BL, Hart LA, Pi...
Thickness of cerebral cortex Human Homo sapiens ~2.5 (1 - 4.5) mm 110098 Fischl B, Dale AM. Measuring...
Copper concentration in cortex Mouse Mus musculus 3.1 (±0.2) μg/g 104007 Malm TM, Iivonen H, ...
Division of cerebral cortex by volume Mouse Mus musculus Axons 29.3: dendrites 30.2: ds 12.06: glia 9.5: cell bodies and blood vessels 13.8: ex 5.2 % 106133 Braitenberg V. Brain...
Number of synapses in cerebral cortex Human Homo sapiens ~1.5×10^14 synapses 112056 Drachman D (2005). "Do...
Number of synapses in cortex Human Homo sapiens 3.6e+14 (29,800 synapses/neuron) Unitless 106138 Roth G, Dicke U. Evolution...
Number of synapses in cortex Human Homo sapiens 1.5e+14 unitless 100693 http://faculty.washi...
Length of Spectrin tetramer in erythrocyte cortex Human Homo sapiens 200 nm 101813 Cell movements - from...
Number of tropomyosin in red blood cell cortex Human Homo sapiens 80000 Copies/cell 101810 Dennis Bray, Cell movements...
Time interval over which cerebral cortex folding largely occurs Mammals in ferrets postnatal day (P)10 to P30: in rhesus macaques gestation days (G)90 to G135: in humans from the 25th week of gestation to a postnatal age of 4 months Table - link N/A 117215 Kroenke CD, Bayly PV....
Number of glycophorin dimers in red blood cell cortex Human Homo sapiens 1e+6 Copies/cell 101806 Dennis Bray, Cell movements...
Number of spectrin dimers in red blood cell cortex Human Homo sapiens 200000 Copies/cell 101807 Cell movements - from...
Number of ankyrin proteins in red blood cell cortex Human Homo sapiens 100000 Copies/cell 101808 Dennis Bray, Cell movements...
Number of Actin monomers in red blood cell cortex Human Homo sapiens 5e+5 Copies/cell 101809 Dennis Bray, Cell movements...
Dimensions of (spindle-like) cortex cell in hair and diameter of microfibril in cortex cell Mammals cell length ~100µm: maximum cell width 5µm: microfibril diameter ~7nm N/A 114261 Wolfram LJ. Human hair:...
Distance action potentials propagate in rodent cortex Mammals 4 cm 108628 Attwell D, Laughlin SB....
Percent of mitochondria in visual cortex neurons located in axons macaque 12 % 103273 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Percent of mitochondria in visual cortex located in glial cells macaque 2 % 103274 Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular...
Stability of dendritic spines in visual cortex Mouse Mus musculus 94% of spines were stable >three days: 81% stable >2 weeks: 73% stable >one month % 112030 Meyer, M.P., Niell, C.M...
Number of synapses in a cubic millimeter of primary visual cortex (Area 17) Macaque Macaca fascicularis 266 (± 33 S.D.) synapses/mm³ (×10⁶) 112218 O’Kusky, J., & Colonnier...