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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Cellular copper content in copper free medium Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7.2 (±0.4 Table - link) nmol copper/mg protein 104015 Lin CM, Kosman DJ. Copper...
Cellular copper content in medium of 5µM copper Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 16.8 (±1.1 Table - link) nmol copper/mg protein 104016 Lin CM, Kosman DJ. Copper...
Intracellular copper concentration Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 70 µM 105673 Rae TD, Schmidt PJ, Pufahl RA...
Intracellular copper concentration Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1.3±0.2x10^6 atoms/cell 108840 Meera R Raja, Scott...
Cellular copper content Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link N/A 104012 Lin CM, Kosman DJ. Copper...
Copper level in root Plant Chenopodium botrys 185 µg/g 104017 Yousefi N, Chehregani A...
Copper level in shoot Plant Chenopodium botrys 150 µg/g 104018 Yousefi N, Chehregani A...
Plasma concentration of copper Human Homo sapiens 9.61 μg/liter 104002 Dar NA, Mir MM, Salam I...
Copper concentration in cortex Mouse Mus musculus 3.1 (±0.2) μg/g 104007 Malm TM, Iivonen H, ...
Number of copper atoms in cell Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.9e+5 (±20000) unitless 105674 Rae TD, Schmidt PJ, Pufahl RA...
Vmax for copper uptake in wildtype cell Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 0.21 (±0.007) nmol copper/min/mg protein 104014 Lin CM, Kosman DJ. Copper...
Km for copper uptake in wildtype cell Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4.4 (±0.4) µM 104013 Lin CM, Kosman DJ. Copper...
Intracellular copper concentration under different growth conditions Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans 4.6±1.2x10^5 copper deficient: 3.4±1.2x10^5 copper replete atoms/cell 108839 Meera R Raja, Scott...
Copper concentration in brain tissue cell Mouse Mus musculus 1.8±0.4x10^7 atoms/cell 108841 Meera R Raja, Scott...
Concentration of copper in brain tissue cell Mouse Mus musculus 1.9±0.7 mM 108844 Meera R Raja, Scott...
Copper content in stage VI oocyte African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 0.68 (±0.2) ng 104003 Nomizu T, Falchuk KH...
Amount of tissue Iron in Copper-Deficient and Control Swine Pig Sus species Table - link N/A 104011 Lee GR, Nacht S, Lukens JN...
Speed of generally fast cells at 5ppm copper concentration Tetrahymena thermophila 350 (±40) µm/sec 111435 Benjamin Bower, Sarah Fisher...
Speed of generally slow cells at 5ppm copper concentration Tetrahymena thermophila 250 (±30 220 - 280) µm/sec 111434 Benjamin Bower, Sarah Fisher...
Copper and Ceruloplasmin Levels in Patients with hematological disorders Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 104006 Chen CC, Takeshima F...