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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Permeability of bicarbonate to red cell ghost calculated from irreversible DIDS inhibited bicarbonate efflux Human Homo sapiens 1.7E-06 cm/sec 110731 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Concentration of bicarbonate in blood Mammals 25 mM 106513 Orij R, Brul S, Smits...
Permeability of plasma membrane to bicarbonate Cyanobacteria 3e-3 µm/sec 110711 Fridlyand L, Kaplan A...
Chloride and bicarbonate fluxes in fetal red cells Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110884 Brahm J, Wimberley PD....
Kinetic parameters for bicarbonate transport at pH 7.8, 38°C Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110943 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Apparent chloride and bicarbonate permeability in red blood cells from chick embryo at different days Chicken Gallus gallus Table - link 10^-4cm/sec 110737 Sieger U, Brahm J, Baumann...
Anion flux and turnover number of chloride self-exchange, and chloride and bicarbonate self-exchange in fetal red cells Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110926 Brahm J, Wimberley PD....
Turnover rate of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for bicarbonate Human Homo sapiens 1.92 min^-1 104168 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Apparent permeability of bicarbonate to DIDS-treated resealed red cell ghosts (irreversible inhibition) suspended in media with up to 200µM DIDS Human Homo sapiens 1.2E-06 cm/sec 110733 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Turnover Number of chloride ions transported across red blood cell at equilibrium Human Homo sapiens 189 sec^-1 104178 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
First pKa of carbonic acid Generic 3.45 (±0.15) unitless 111761 Adamczyk, K., Prémont-Schwarz...
Spontaneous dehydration in red blood cell equals an apparent HCO3- permeability of Human Homo sapiens 2.4E-07 cm/sec 110735 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Rates of light-saturated inorganic carbon assimilation in various aquatic plants Plants Table - link nmol C/(m^2 plant surface)/sec 110827 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Permeability of Cl- to intact red cells treated with 50µM DIDS Human Homo sapiens 6E-09 cm/sec 110734 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Fraction of inorganic matter in dry weight of bone matrix Human Homo sapiens 50 % 103633 Junqueira, Carneiro, Kelley...
Concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in ocean water Biosphere 10 µM 100965 aquatic photosynthesis...
"Critical" turnover number in red cell membrane for Cl- (15°C), Br- and F- (23-25°C) and HCO3- (13°C) Human Homo sapiens ~4X10^9 ions/cell/sec 110857 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
"Critical" turnover number in red cell membrane for sulfate Human Homo sapiens ~7X10^6 ions/cell/sec 110858 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Areas and volumes of erythrocytes from embryonic chick, chicken and human fetus and adult vertebrates Table - link N/A 110736 Sieger U, Brahm J, Baumann...
Permeability of Cl- to red cell calculated from irreversible DIDS inhibited Cl- efflux Human Homo sapiens 1E-06 cm/sec 110732 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...