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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Leucine pool turnover bacteria 20 min 115336 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
Length to width ratio Bacteria Escherichia coli average newborn cell ~2.5: average for a population in all stages of growth ~3.9 unitless 115617 Young KD. The selective...
Dimensions of Microbacterium, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus bacteria length of Microbacterium spp. ~1.4µm - 1.9µm: length of Pseudomonas spp. ~1.5µm - 2.2µm: diameter of Staphylococcus spp. ~0.5µm - 0.8µm µm 115601 Young KD. The selective...
Shape effects on the energetics of bacterial chemotaxis bacteria Table - link N/A 115602 Young KD. The selective...
Rate of spontaneous reversal of flagellar direction of rotation bacteria ~1 1/sec 109848 Elston TC, Oster G. Protein...
Length to which stalks of Caulobacter and Rhodomicrobium (usual length of ~1 to 3µm) elongate when grown in limiting phosphate bacteria ≤20 µm 115580 Young KD. The selective...
Characteristic heat production rate of fermenting rumen bacteria Ruminants 160 - 180 watts/kg bacterial mass 117321 Rosenberg E. and Zil...
Cell Surface area in exponential phase Bacteria Escherichia coli 4.42 (Table - link) µm^2 105026 Prats R, de Pedro MA....
Number of species of bacteria in mammalian large intestine bacteria 400-500 unitless 105655 Peekhaus N, Conway T....
Fraction of dry weight of cultured bacteria that is carbon and protein bacteria carbon ≈50%: protein 50-70 % 115319 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
Yield of coenzyme Q10 Microbes Bacteria (E. coli) 0.45–3.63 mg/g DCW: Yeast (S. cerevisiae) 12.3 μg/g DCW N/A 113505 Lee SQ, Tan TS, Kawamukai M...
Macromolecular concentration in cytoplasm Bacteria Escherichia coli ~300 mg/mL 107695 Adrian H. Elcock and...
Mycoplasma genitalium database Mycoplasma genitalium link N/A 108147 http://www.wholecell...
Number of DNA pol α in typical animal cell Eukaryotes 20,000 to 60,000 Molecules/cell 108716 PHAR 2811 Dale’s lecture...
Thermodynamic Parameters for the Electron Transfer between Quinone A and Quinone B Evaluated for Different Environments of the Reaction Center Bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides Table - link N/A 104476 Francia F, Dezi M, Rebecchi A...
Time constant for recombination of (P(Primary electron donor))+ and QuinoneB- Bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides 0.3 sec^-1 104477 Francia F, Dezi M, Rebecchi A...
O2 (oxygen) diffusion coefficients in water (25˚C) and luminous bacteria Various water 2,120: bacteria 4 µm^2/sec 115123 MacDougall JD, McCabe...
Carbon:volume (w/v) ratio in natural assemblages of bacteria and in cultured E. coli bacteria natural assemblages of marine bacteria 23-38%: cultured E. coli 12 % 115318 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
Fraction of volume of pelagic bacteria that is water bacteria volume 0.026µm^3 46%: volume 0.4µm^3 82 % 115330 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...
Protein:dry weight and carbon:dry weight ratios in pelagic bacteria of volume range 0.026-0.4µm^3 bacteria protein:dry weight ratio 63±1%: carbon:dry weight ratio 54±1 % 115331 Meinhard Simon, Farooq Azam...