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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Molecular weight and anion affinities of simple acids Generic Table - link N/A 116982 Robbins, Clarence R....
Turnover rate of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for pyruvate Cow Bos Taurus 0.065 min^-1 104172 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Turnover rate of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for bicarbonate Human Homo sapiens 1.92 min^-1 104168 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Turnover rate of the anion transporter of red blood cells for chloride Human Homo sapiens 1.55 min^-1 104169 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Turnover rate of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for lactate Human Homo sapiens 1e-3 min^-1 104170 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Turnover rate of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for lactate Cow Bos Taurus 0.004 min^-1 104171 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Turnover rates of the Anion Transporter of Red Blood Cells for various substrates Various Table - link N/A 104167 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...
Rate of ATP passage in voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) under physiological conditions Mitochondria ≤100000 ATP/sec 116548 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
In vivo-like medium composition with various anion concentrations Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Table - link mM 107753 van Eunen K et al., Measuring...
Anion flux and turnover number of chloride self-exchange, and chloride and bicarbonate self-exchange in fetal red cells Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110926 Brahm J, Wimberley PD....
VDAC1 (voltage-dependent anion channel 1) selectivity in physiological salt concentrations Mitochondria ~5 Cl−/K+ 116876 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Strength of hydrogen bond from NH to N in anion Generic 59 kJ/mol 101068 George A. Jeffrey, An...
Diffusion coefficient of ATP in voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) Mitochondria 16 - 33 µm^2/sec 116638 Rostovtseva TK, Bezrukov...
ATP flux through VDAC1 (voltage-dependent anion channel 1) in high ATP concentrations Bread mold Neurospora crassa 50000 ATP/sec 116877 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Rate of ATP passage in voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the absence of a membrane potential in vitro Mitochondria millions (of) ATP/sec 116550 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Decrease in conductance of voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) in the presence of ATP Mitochondria 42 % 116637 Choudhary OP, Paz A,...
Upper limit of molecular mass of molecule that can freely permeate the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) Unspecified 5 kDa 107270 Porcelli AM, Ghelli A...
Composition of neutral sugars in pseudobulb Orchid Oncidium sp. Mannose 96.4%: arabinose 1.5%: galactose 0.9%: glucose 1.2% % 106656 Wang HL, Yeh KW, Chen PR...
Kinetic parameters for bicarbonate transport at pH 7.8, 38°C Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110943 Gasbjerg PK, Knauf PA...
Turnover rate of Ribonuclease A Unspecified 100-10000 min^-1 104174 Stein, Wilfred D., Transport...