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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
The amphibian tree of life Amphibians Table - link number of species for major clades 117258 Wake DB, Koo MS. Amphibians....
Size of lamellar bodies in fish and amphibian vertebrates 0.2-0.3 µm 113169 Alibardi L. Adaptation...
Mitotic Indexes for mammalian and amphibian tissues Various Table - link N/A 102203 Altman, P.L., and Dittmer...
Photoreceptor inner and outer segments vertebrates Table - link N/A 107894 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Ratio between cell number in tetraploid and cell number in diploid salamander Amphibians 0.5 (in tetraploids cells are twice the size of those in a diploid) unitless 111481 Conlon I, Raff M. Size...
Degree by which the effect of Dermorphin, a novel opioid heptapeptide produced in skin, is greater than morphine at same dosage level South American leaf frog Phyllomedusa spp. 1000 fold greater than morphine 113177 Clarke BT. The natural...
Rate of activation of phosphodiesterase (PDE) catalytic subunits per photoisomerized rhodopsin vertebrates 80 (maximum 90) sec^-1 111005 Leskov, I. B., V. A. Klenchin...
Total potassium (1+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 6E-08 mol 100488 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Total sodium (1+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 5E-08 mol 100489 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Total calcium(2+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 6.5E-09 (5E-9 to 8E-9) mol 100486 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Intracellular pH of early Xenopus laevis embryos African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 7.81 (7.67-7.94) Unitless 101475 Guthrie et al. Patterns...
Total magnesium(2+) in frog egg African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 1.45E-08 (1.2E-8 - 1.7E-8) mol 100487 Slack C, Warner AE, Warren...
Number of different alkaloids that have been identified from the skin of dendrobatid or poison-dart frogs of Central and South America Amphibians >200 different alkaloids 113178 Clarke BT. The natural...
Number of cells in embryo developmental stage # 22 African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 30600 (±400) cells/embryo 104147 Cooke J. Properties of...
Number of cells in embryo developmental stage # 14-15 African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 17800 (±500) cells/embryo 104148 Cooke J. Properties of...
Number of cells in embryo developmental stage # 10+ African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 4300 (±300) cells/embryo 104149 Cooke J. Properties of...
Intercellular concentration of Na+ in stage 9 blastula embryos of Xenopus laevis African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 91 mM 100221 Gillespie JI. The di...
Intercellular concentration of Ca2+ in stage 9 blastula embryos of Xenopus laevis African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 1.5 mM 100227 Gillespie JI. The di...
Intercellular concentrationof Cl- in stage 9 blastula embryos of Xenopus laevis African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 59 mM 100225 Gillespie JI. The di...
Intercellular concentration of K+ in stage 9 blastula embryos of Xenopus laevis African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 4 mM 100223 Gillespie JI. The di...