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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fertilizer absorbed by brazilian sugar cane as a percentage of total used Brazilian sugar cane 30 % 101571 Galloway JN et al, T...
Concentration of fermentable sugar equivalents utilizable by E. coli in Luria-Bertani broth Bacteria Escherichia coli <=100 uM 103510 Sezonov G, Joseleau-Petit D...
Total Sugar-P concentration in erythrocytes Human Homo sapiens 0.58 (±0.14) µmol/(ml erythrocyte) 101894 Sarpel, G., A. N. Barr...
Sugar permeabilities of vesicular lecithin bilayers Generic Table - link cm/sec 110807 Brunner J, Graham DE...
Whole leaf contents and sugar and sugar alcohol concentrations in the vacuolar, stromal and cytosolic compartments of leaf cells Plants Table - link N/A 106292 Nadwodnik J, Lohaus G....
Metabolisable energy (from carbohydrates) of sugar (sucrose) Generic 16.1 kJ / g nutrient 101932 Kenneth Blaxter. Energy...
Reconstructed sugar utilization pathways and newly assigned genes in Shewanella spp. Bacteria Shewanella spp. Table - link N/A 107281 Rodionov DA et al., Genomic...
Percent of dietary sugar absorbed in the first 70 cm of small intestine Human Homo sapiens 75 % 102111 Michael A. Savageau, 1983...
Maximum annual leaf nitrogen content Sugar maple Acer saccharum 1.5 g/m^2 107202 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Maximum annual leaf dry mass per area Sugar maple Acer saccharum ~60 g/m^2 107205 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Annual max photosynthetic rate Sugar maple Acer saccharum 6 µmol/m^2/sec 107199 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Fertilizer used on biofuel sugar cane in Brazil per unit area Biosphere 100 kgN/(ha×yr) 101570 Galloway JN et al, T...
Ratio between water and sugar permeability of a glucose transporter African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 10 unitless 102427 Zeuthen T, Zeuthen E...
Available pressure differential for sugar loading into the phloem vasculature Plants ~1 MPa 108684 Kaare H. Jensen & Maciej...
Bacteriophage concentration in soil associated with plant roots in sugar beet Biosphere 1e+7 phages/gram soil 117026 Chibani-Chennoufi S,...
Percent of maximum potential of photosynthesis observed at full noon Plant Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) <30 % 107710 Mooney HA, Ehleringer J...
Ratio between amino acid transporter genes and sugar transporter genes Bacteria Cupriavidus metallidurans 3 Unitless 103812 von Rozycki T, Nies DH...
Nitrogen fixation rate of endophytic diazotrophs associated with sugar cane prokaryote 5000 mg N/m^2/yr 110429 Galloway et al., Nitrogen...
Lengthening of sugar chain in enzymatic formation of a new glycosidic bond in the polysaccharide chain Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 0.5 nm 108262 Proctor SA, Minc N, Boudaoud...
Percentage of storage tissue volume occupied by cytoplasm Plant Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) 5 % 107830 Owens T, Poole RJ. Regulation...