Comparison of kinetic constants for phosphorylation by Ca2+/CaM kinase II
Cow Bos Taurus |
Table - link |
N/A |
110571 |
Gandy S, Czernik AJ,... |
Functional characterization of key Kv2.1 phosphorylation sites
Mammalian tissue culture cell |
Table - link |
N/A |
105739 |
Park KS, Mohapatra DP... |
Number of ATP produced in oxidative phosphorylation
Generic |
on average 2.5 ATPs per NADH oxidation and 1.5 ATP per FADH2 oxidation |
N/A |
110682 |
Fan J, Kamphorst JJ, Mathew R... |
Number of potential phosphorylation sites for any given kinase
Eukaryotes |
~700,000 |
potential sites/kinase |
112582 |
Ubersax JA, Ferrell JE... |
Fraction of phosphorylation sites that may be nonfunctional
Eukaryotes |
≤65 |
% |
113381 |
Vlastaridis P et al.... |
Comparison of kinetic constants for phosphorylation by protein kinase C
Mammals |
Table - link |
N/A |
110570 |
Gandy S, Czernik AJ,... |
Total number of phosphoproteins and phosphorylation-sites
Human Homo sapiens |
phosphoproteins ~12,800: phosphorylation sites ~230,000 Table - link |
N/A |
113386 |
Vlastaridis P et al.... |
Ratio between pantothenate production and pantothenate phosphorylation
Bacteria Escherichia coli |
15 |
times more pantothenate produced than phsophorylated |
114601 |
Vallari DS, Jackowski... |
Relative contribution of oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis to ATP production
Mammalian tissue culture cell |
oxidative phosphorylation ~80%: aerobic glycolysis ~20% |
% |
110684 |
Fan J, Kamphorst JJ, Mathew R... |
Kinetics of phosphorylation of ADAP peptide (645-661) by various protein kinases
Mammals |
Table - link |
N/A |
110569 |
Gandy S, Czernik AJ,... |
Number of phosphorylation sites that regulate proteins with a biotechnologically interesting phenotype
Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Table - link |
N/A |
113384 |
Vlastaridis P et al.... |
Decrease in binding energy of Ets1 protein to DNA in each phosphorylation event
Unspecified |
~0.4 |
kcal/mol |
105725 |
Serber Z, Ferrell JE... |
Percent of cardiac mitochondrial protein associated with oxidative phosphorylation
Human Homo sapiens |
17 |
% |
103105 |
Taylor SW, Fahy E, Zhang B... |
Reduction in membrane binding of myristoylated protein by each phosphorylation event
Generic |
10 |
fold |
105721 |
McLaughlin S, Aderem... |
Time after hypoosmotic stress for Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation to occur
Human Homo sapiens |
2 |
min |
104611 |
Kim RD et al, Activator... |
Time after hypoosmotic stress for Protein kinase B (PKB) phosphorylation to occur
Human Homo sapiens |
10 |
min |
104612 |
Kim RD et al, Activator... |
Oxidative phosphorylation regime of yeast cells during lactate-limited growth
Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
Table - link |
N/A |
111640 |
Dejean L, Beauvoit B... |
Decrease in binding energy of Ste5 protein to membrane in each phosphorylation event
Unspecified |
~1.4 |
kcal/mol |
105724 |
Serber Z, Ferrell JE... |
Overall H+/ATP (H+/P) ratio for oxidative phosphorylation in vivo
Eukaryotes |
3 |
unitless |
110658 |
Brand MD, Lehninger AL.... |
Fraction of the energy needs of the body that are met by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
Human Homo sapiens |
90 |
% |
107231 |
Tranah GJ. Mitochond... |