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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Normal metabolism (proportional to the surface area) between ages 20 and 40 | Human Homo sapiens | 39.5 | calories/m^2/hour | 115048 | DuBois, E.F. (1921) The... |
Oxidation enthalpy of α-D-glucose (ΔH) | Unspecified | -2,800 | kJ/mol | 110891 | Baffou G, Rigneault H... |
Decrease in body weight (as a result of dehydration) following which there is a significant reduction in cognitive abilities | Human Homo sapiens | 2 | % of body weight | 114383 | Cian C, Barraud PA, Melin B... |
Cell count | Yeast Candida parapsilosis | 1.8e+9 (±0.13e+9) | cells/ml | 113728 | Krishnan et al. Whole... |
Total solar electromagnetic energy reaching the earth | Biosphere | 160 | W/m^2 | 104558 | Jorg Overmann and Ferran... |
Moss can recover from a water loss up to | Physcomitrella patens | 75 - 92 | % of its fresh weight | 113564 | Mueller SJ, Hoernstein SN... |
Number of calories extracted from food to meet daily energy requirements for a 70-kg, 20-year-old male | Human Homo sapiens | ~2,550 (10.4 MJ) | calories/day | 115147 | Wagner BA, Venkataraman S... |
Fraction of increase in energy expenditure (EE) when body temperature rises by 1˚C (for alternative values see comments section) | Human Homo sapiens | 16 | % per 1˚C | 115049 | Benhariz M, Goulet O... |
Activation energy | Generic | 20 to 100 most enzymatic processes: 400 to 800 molecular transitions | kJ/mol | 107066 | Lepock JR. Measurement... |
Decrease in standard metabolic rate during sleep | Human Homo sapiens | 10 | % | 103265 | Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular... |
Decrease in metabolic rate per kg during prolonged starvation | Human Homo sapiens | <=20 | % | 103267 | Rolfe DF, Brown GC. Cellular... |
Fraction of radiation balance that is transmitted to leaf | Plants | <1 | % | 113221 | Körner C (2013) Plan... |
Plant leaves under a clear sky at night may be colder than surrounding air by | Plants | 3 - 5 | ˚K | 113222 | Körner C (2013) Plan... |
Denaturation temperature of 1% and 50% of proteins | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 47°C 1% of proteins: 54°C 50% of proteins | °C | 107070 | Ghosh K, Dill K. Cellular... |
Rate of energy expenditure for a 70-kg person during different types of activity | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | kcal/hour | 111023 | Lauralee Sherwood, Human... |
Number of moles of dioxygen required to combust the daily energy requirement (~2,550 calories/day)) | Human Homo sapiens | ~22 | moles O2/day | 115148 | Wagner BA, Venkataraman S... |
Rate of oxygen utilization to combust daily requirement of food for 70kg male (assuming 10^14 cells in body) | Human Homo sapiens | 2.5E-18 | mol/cell/sec | 115149 | Wagner BA, Venkataraman S... |
The number of HSTF transcription factor molecules per nucleus | Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | 32000 (Table - link) | Molecules/nucleus | 106847 | Mark D. Biggin, Animal... |
Quantities of the greenhouse gas CO2 that the ocean is able to absorb | Biosphere | ~37,000 | Gt CO2 | 113986 | Danovaro R et al., Marine... |
Fermentation yield | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 0.45 | g biomass produced per g glucose consumed | 102324 | Ertugay, N. and Hamamci... |