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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Chromosome number (2n) | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 64 | unitless | 100375 | Semba U, Umeda Y, Shibuya Y... |
Number of ouabain molecules bound to sodium-potassium pump when completely saturated | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 1.1e+11 | molecules/per mg colon tissue | 103029 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Number of ouabain molecules bound to sodium-potassium pump when completely saturated | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 250-300 | molecules/per µm^2 of membrane | 103030 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Turnover of sodium-potassium pump | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 1320 | min^-1 | 103034 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Amount of potassium pumped through sodium-potassium pump in normal Krebs solution | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 0.444 | mmole/kg fresh weight/min | 103032 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Permeability of sodium-potassium pump | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 9E-09 | cm/sec | 103033 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Percent of potassium ions blocked at sodium-potassium pump in normal Krebs solution | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 67 | Percent | 103031 | Brading AF, Widdicombe... |
Morphology and cable properties of three reconstructed Purkinje cells | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | Table - link | N/A | 112114 | Rapp M, Segev I, Yarom... |
Volume of rough ER in exocrine pancreatic cell | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 249.3 (±25.1 Table - link) | µm^3 | 104667 | Bolender RP. Stereological... |
Volume and surface area of pancreatic cells and cellular organelles | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | Table - link | N/A | 105176 | Bolender RP. Stereological... |
Calcium levels in dendritic regions near activated input fibers | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | ≤2 - 10 | µM | 112533 | Regehr WG, Tank DW. Calcium... |
Increase in static length of OHC (outer hair cell) with temperature | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | 0.22 | µm/˚C | 117137 | Ashmore J. Cochlear outer... |
Volume of neuron soma, nucleus & nucleolus | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | cell body 12,260µm^3: nucleus 1,660µm^3: nucleolus 25.6µm^3 | µm^3 | 112112 | Edstrom JE. Effects of... |
Gestation period in altricial rodents (such as rats) and precocial rodents (such as guinea pigs) | Rodent | rat ~21: guinea pig ~65 | days | 117228 | Josselyn SA, Frankland... |
Low-frequency changes in outer hair cell (OHC) length that can be captured by video microscopy | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | ≤10 | Hz | 117133 | Ashmore J. Cochlear outer... |
Q10 of charge movement of OHC (outer hair cell) motility | Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus | ~1.5 | unitless | 117136 | Ashmore J. Cochlear outer... |
Comparison of some parameters of pig oocytes matured in vitro and in vivo | Pig Sus species | Table - link | N/A | 106570 | Wang WH, Abeydeera LR... |
Elimination rate k of quercetin, isoquercitrin and rutin incubated in fermentation vessels with native pig caecal contents | Pig Sus species | Table - link | N/A | 107370 | Cermak R, Breves GM.... |
Fraction of energy available to cell that is consumed by sodium pump | Unspecified | 20 | % | 106069 | Kilburn DG, Lilly MD... |
Transit time of thymidine molecule from basal to granular epidermis | Rodent | mouse ~4.5: guinea pig 8 Table - link | days | 115444 | Potten CS, Saffhill R... |