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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Composition of the Chicken Egg | Chicken Gallus gallus | Table - link | N/A | 104070 | Amazing numbers in biology... |
Concentration of cytoplasmic actin in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) | Chicken Gallus gallus | 1.5e+8 | molecules/cell | 110230 | Li et al. (2014), System... |
Chicken cecal bacterial counts | bacteria | Table - link | N/A | 108552 | Salanitro JP, Fairchilds IG... |
Estimated time range of diversification of chicken and zebra finch | Various | 66e+6 - 86.5e+6 | years | 105158 | Donoghue PC, Benton MJ.... |
Genome Size | Chicken Gallus gallus | 1.05e+9 | Base pairs | 100282 | International Chicken... |
Lifespan of influenza B virion in allantoic fluid of chicken | Influenza | 85 | minutes | 101596 | Horsfall Reproduction... |
Latent phase of Influenza A in allantoic fluid of chicken embryo | Influenza | 4 | hours | 101599 | Horsfall Reproduction... |
Fraction of transposable element out of genome | Chicken Gallus gallus | 9 (Table - link) | % | 103851 | Heikki Vilen, Mu in vitro... |
Lifespan of Influenza A virions in chicken allantoid fluid at 35°C | Influenza | 2.5 | hours | 101597 | Horsfall Reproduction... |
Latent phase of Influenza B in allantoic fluid of Leghorn chicken embryo | Influenza | 4 | Hours | 101600 | Horsfall Reproduction... |
Energetic efficiency for chicken production-protein output/fossil fuel input | Biosphere | 6.3 | Percent | 104638 | Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin... |
Macrochromosomes are larger than microchromosomes | Chicken Gallus gallus | ~20 | fold | 108217 | Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total... |
pH in dog, rabbit, human, and chicken skeletal muscle in vivo | vertebrates | Table - link | unitless | 110771 | Roos A, Boron WF (1981)... |
Time in egg by which embryo has vigorous blood circulation | Chicken Gallus gallus | 3-4 | days after egg laying | 113150 | Burggren WW. What is... |
Areas and volumes of erythrocytes from embryonic chick, chicken and human fetus and adult | vertebrates | Table - link | N/A | 110736 | Sieger U, Brahm J, Baumann... |
Number of SNPs in genome | Chicken Gallus gallus | 2.8e+6 | Unitless | 103885 | Wong GK et al, A genetic... |
Concentration of protein in egg white | Chicken Gallus gallus | 100 | g/L | 106190 | Pielak GJ, Li C, Miklos AC... |
Percentages of different proteins from hens fed crude cottonseed oil | Chicken Gallus gallus | Table - link | % | 107282 | Robert John Evans et al.... |
Increase in CO2 partial pressure during egg shell formation | Chicken Gallus gallus | 50.6 | Torr | 102429 | Arad Z, Eylath U, Ginsburg M... |
Composition of egg yolk | Chicken Gallus gallus | 50 Water: 32 Fat: 16 Proteins: 2 Additional Substances | % | 104071 | Amazing numbers in biology... |