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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Concentration of arsenic and barium Sponge Theonella swinhoei arsenic 8,500: barium >10,000 mg/kg dry weight 113273 Keren R, Lavy A, Mayzel B...
Relative mass of elements and relative amount of elements in arsenic-tolerant bacteria in sponge Theonella swinhoei bacteria Table - link % 113274 Keren R, Lavy A, Mayzel B...
Length of polyphosphate chain in orthophosphate fraction at pH 8.2 Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 8-20 Pi units 103444 Vagabov VM, Trilisenko LV...
Length of polyphosphate chain in orthophosphate fraction at pH 4.5 Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 25-55 Orthophosphate units 103431 Vagabov VM, Trilisenko LV...
Number of body volumes that sponge can filter Sponges phylum Porifera ≤50,000 sponge body volumes/24 hours 113270 Keren R, Lavy A, Mayzel B...
Fraction of body volume occupied by bacteria Sponge Theonella swinhoei ≤40 % of body volume 113271 Keren R, Lavy A, Mayzel B...
Fraction of the whole cell Ca2+ current carried by N channel (N-type calcium channel) Mammals pig ≤80%: cat 45%: bovine, rat, mouse & human chromaffin cells 30% % of the whole cell Ca2+ current 113139 García AG et al., Calcium...
Fraction of the whole cell Ca2+ current carried by P/Q channel (P-type calcium channel ("Purkinje") /Q-type calcium channel) in chromaffin cells Mammals bovine 50%: human 60%: pig & cat 5%: rat 20%: mouse (early study) ~30% (more recent study) 15% % of the whole cell Ca2+ current 113140 García AG et al., Calcium...
Chemical composition of the body Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110366 William M. Haynes, CRC...
Selected data of macroscopic dimensions of intestine Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 111124 Helander HF, Fändriks...
Chemical composition of the human body Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 101913 David R. Lide. CRC Handbook...
Reference man: total body content for some elements Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110328 Snyder WS, Cook MJ, Nasset ES...
Chemical composition of the human body Human Homo sapiens Site link - link N/A 106203 http://www.stumbleup...
Abundance of elements in the Earth's crust in order of abundance Biosphere Table - link p.p.m [=g per tonne (1,000kg)] 106339 Emsley John, The elements...
Chemical constituents of blood Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110365 William M. Haynes, CRC...
Abundances of the elements in Earth's crust, sea water & sun and solar system Biosphere Table - link N/A 110362 Wikipedia-Abundances...
Standard atomic weights of the elements Biosphere Table - link N/A 103729 Inorganic chemistry division...