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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Actin concentration Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum Total actin 250: polymeric actin ~70 μM 109565 D.N. Robinson, Y.-S. Kee...
Actin mRNA African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 5e+8 transcripts 100385 Gurdon and Wakefield...
actin mRNA African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 1 ng 100381 Gurdon and Wakefield...
Actin mRNA Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 (±5) transcripts / cell 103207 Needleman RB, Kaback DB...
Fraction of total actin in polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) that is in F (filamentous)-actin and G-actin state after chemoattractant stimulation Unspecified F-actin 60% - 70% or ~200µM: G-actin 30% - 40% or 100µM N/A 112782 Southwick FS, Young CL....
Properties of Dp-actin [Dronpa (Dp)-labeled actin] in MCF-7 cells Human Homo sapiens diffusion coefficient of Dp-actin 13.7μm^2/s: halflife of mobile fraction 41ms: mobile fraction 79% N/A 112132 Kiuchi T, Nagai T, Ohashi K...
Concentration of actin filament ends required for actin turnover rate Unspecified 2 µmol/liter 110644 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Free actin concentration Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes 3.6 (Table - link) µM 106829 Zhu J, Carlsson AE. Growth...
Concentration of free ATP-actin (unspecified organism) Eukaryotes 0.1 to 1.0 μM 109809 Dominguez R, Holmes KC....
Concentration of free profilin-actin (unspecified organism) Eukaryotes 5 to 40 μM 109810 Dominguez R, Holmes KC....
Actin stall force Unspecified 7.7 (±1.3 Table - link) pN per Filament 100618 Abraham V. C., Krishnamurthi...
Actin assembly at the lamellipodial margin Mammalian tissue culture cell Table - link N/A 110741 Abraham VC, Krishnamurthi V...
Average actin filament length Yeast in isolated actin patches 50nm: in patches on plasma membranes 100nm nm 111093 Berro J, Sirotkin V,...
Young’s modulus of actin bacteria 2 GPa 112091 Wingreen NS, Huang KC....
Total cellular actin concentration Unspecified 100 μM 109293 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Cytoplasmic G-actin concentration in most living cells Unspecified ~100 μM 112131 Kiuchi T, Nagai T, Ohashi K...
Actin filament model parameters Generic Table - link N/A 106827 Zhu J, Carlsson AE. Growth...
Density of actin filament binding sites Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 0.02 1/nm^2 111113 Chen Q, Pollard TD. Actin...
Diffusion coefficient of PA-GFP-actin [photoactivatable GFP-γ-actin] in CAD cell Mouse Mus musculus 3 µm^2/sec 112140 Vitriol EA, McMillen LM...
Average volume of actin patch Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 0.0082 μm^3 102283 Wu JQ, Pollard TD. Counting...