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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Rate of nucleotide substitution in rodent-associated hantavirus & flavivirus GB virus C (GBV-C) | Virus | ~1E-07 | substitution/site/year | 112775 | Duffy S, Shackelton LA... |
Genome size | Bacteria Corynebacterium glutamicum | 3.28 | Mb | 110434 | Trötschel C, Albaum SP... |
Eubacterial genome size | bacteria | <0.6 to >9 | Mb | 116957 | Peterson SN, Fraser CM.... |
DNA and RNA virus families according to 2005 report | Virus | Table - link | N/A | 106120 | S. Jane Flint, L. W. Enquist... |
Number of Ebola virus species | Ebola virus | 5 | species | 111116 | Radzimanowski J, Effantin G... |
Viral mutation rates of human immunodeficiency virus type‑1 (HIV‑1) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) when not integrated into host genomes | Virus | 0.1-0.2 | mutation/genome/generation | 112771 | Duffy S, Shackelton LA... |
Genome size of B. cereus strains | Bacteria Bacillus cereus | 5.5 to 6.3 | Mb | 116955 | Cole S, Saint-Girons... |
Molecular mass of virus | Brome Mosaic Virus | 4600 | kDa | 105893 | Bockstahler LE, Kaesberg... |
Virus genome length, capsid size, triangulation number and number of subunits | Virus | Figure - link | N/A | 113166 | Brandes N, Linial M.... |
List of non-human animals with publications on their genome projects as of 2012 | Metazoa animals | Table - link | Mb | 112712 | Luting Song & Wen Wang... |
Fraction of recombinant proteins produced that assemble correctly into Virus Like Particle (VLP) | Virus | <=20 | % | 106098 | Mellado MC, Franco C... |
Size distribution of free and intracellular virus particles in marine and freshwater systems | Virus | Table - link | nm | 109015 | Weinbauer MG. Ecology... |
Shell volume of ringspot virus | Tobacco ringspot virus | 6.42e+6 (Table - link) | A^3 | 103056 | Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric... |
Asymptomatic incubation period of the virus in human | Ebola virus | ≤21 | days | 111115 | Ebola: a call to action.... |
Number of atoms in Ringspot virus | Tobacco ringspot virus | 240960 (Table - link) | Atoms | 103055 | Neil R. Voss. 2006 'Geometric... |
Genome size (smallest known RNA virus genome) | Hepatitis delta virus | 1.7 | Kb | 105570 | Huang CR, Lo SJ. Evolution... |
Genome size of Herpes simplex virus type 1 | Virus Herpes simplex | 153 | kb | 106458 | Crute JJ, Lehman IR.... |
Diameter of Balbiani Ring (BR) messenger ribonucleoprotein particle (mRNP) | Midge Chironomus tentans | ~50 | nm | 111854 | Veith R et al., Balbiani... |
Genome size of marine β-cyanobacteria | Cyanobacteria | 2.2 – 3.6 | Mb | 117045 | Whitehead L, Long BM... |
Processivity of Epstein-Barr virus DNA polymerase | Epstein-Barr virus | 7200 | nucleotides | 104117 | Tsurumi T. Primer terminus... |