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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fraction of mesocarp that is oil in oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) fruit and soluble sugar in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) fruit Tree palm oil in oil-palm mesocarp ≤90%: soluble sugar in date palm mesocarp 53% % 114216 Catherine Deborde et al....
Average width of planar Purkinje cell dendritic tree Mouse Mus musculus 7 µm 112027 Li L et al., Visualizing...
Population characteristics of the 20 most abundant tree species of the Amazon Biosphere Table - link N/A 112913 ter Steege H et al. ...
Fraction of (roughly 16,000) tree species in Amazonia that account for half of all trees Biosphere 1.4 (equivalent to 227 species) % of species 112911 ter Steege H et al. ...
Calculated amount of paper made from one pine tree Plants 119100 sheets of paper/tree 110125 Paper on htt...
Number of mitochondria in ambient CO2 concentration Red Maple Acer rubrum 0.3 (±0.03) Mitochondria/100 µm^2 cell area 103075 Griffin KL, Anderson OR...
Number of mitochondria in elevated CO2 concentration Red Maple Acer rubrum 0.6 (±0.06) Mitochondria/100 µm^2 cell area 103076 Griffin KL, Anderson OR...
Phylogenetic tree, maximum lifespan data and adult body mass Rodent Figure - link N/A 113881 Ke Z et al., Translation...
Estimated number of beetle species that are hosted by one species of tropical tree Biosphere 160 Species 103930 May RM. How Many Species...
Fraction of effective rainfall water used for transpiration Tree Pinus halepensis 93 % 104572 Schiller et al Water...
Subtropical to boreal tree leaf temperature (external temp. averages 12˚C-26˚C) Plants 21.4 (±2.2) ˚C 113536 Trewavas A. The foundations...
Chloroplast fine structure of plants grown in elevated and ambient atmospheric CO2 partial pressures Plants Table - link N/A 103082 Griffin KL, Anderson OR...
Leaf mass per unit area Peach Prunus persica ~75 g/m^2 107155 Rosati A, Day KR, DeJong...
Time scale for Sequoia lifespan Tree Sequoiadendron giganteum 3000 years 103765 "Physical Biology of...
Volume of palisade tissue (mesophyll) cell 7 days after bloom Tree Oak Quercus 1200 µm^3 104797 Saito T, Soga K, Hoson T...
DNA extracted from dry wood sample Tree Gonystylus bancanus 50 ng/μL 109013 M. J. Asif, Charles H. Cannon...
Volume of mesophyll cell in Norway Spruce needles Tree Norway Spruce Picea abies 109060 (±31028) µm^3 104794 Albrechtová J, Janácek J...
Number of mesophyll cells per unit volume in Norway Spruce needles Tree Norway Spruce Picea abies 6508 (+-914) cells/mm^3 104795 Albrechtová J, Janácek J...
Average mass of seed (mythological weight of one Carat) Carob tree Ceratonia siliqua 200.5 mg 103348 Turnbull LA, Santamaria L...
Standard deviation of mass of seed (mythological Carat weight unit) Carob tree Ceratonia siliqua 2.47 mg 103349 Turnbull LA, Santamaria L...