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Property |
Organism |
Value |
Units |
ID |
Details |
Catalytic efficiency of TGR as compared with the corresponding value of typical TRs and GRs
Various |
Table - link |
M/min |
107810 |
Rendón JL, del Arenal IP... |
Organelle DNA sequences (including their lengths (genome size), GenBank accession numbers, and noncoding DNA contents)
Eukaryotes |
Table - link |
N/A |
112653 |
Smith DR, Crosby K, Lee... |
Number and length of genes and introns in sequenced unicellular eukaryotes and model organisms
Eukaryotes |
Table - link |
N/A |
105797 |
Aury JM, et al., Global... |
Genome size and number of genes of various organisms
Various |
Data base link - link |
base pairs |
103246 |
John W. Kimball Biology... |
List and distribution of secretion-associated proteins of the fungal genomes belonging to the phyla Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota, and Microsporidia
Fungus |
Table - link |
N/A |
109450 |
Choi J, Park J, Kim D... |
Recently originated de novo genes discovered in diverse eukaryotic lineages
Eukaryotes |
Table - link |
N/A |
116990 |
McLysaght A, Guerzoni... |