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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
PPi concentration in plant cells | Plants | ~0.3 | mM | 108183 | Leustek T, Saito K. Sulfate... |
Fraction of genome that is retrotransposon sequences | Grass spp. | Brachypodium distachyon 21.4% rice 26% sorghum 54% wheat >80% | % | 111736 | International Brachypodium... |
Number of plant species from which DSE have been described | Fungus Dark septate endophytes (DSE) | >600 | plant species | 113530 | Deng Z, Cao L. Fungal... |
Plant DNA C-values Database | Plants | Database - link | N/A | 102726 | Royal botanic gardens at Kew... |
Values for hypothetical Ca2+ transporters in coccolith vesicle membrane | Coccolithophore spp. | Table - link | N/A | 112555 | Holtz LM, Thoms S, Langer G... |
Number of flowering plant species | Plants | 250,000 to 400,000 | Species | 107611 | Gruber CW et al., Di... |
Distribution of insects visiting flowers in a Mediterranean plant community | Insect | ants 58.5% beetles 12% flies 9.5% honey bees 6.4% wild bees 6.4% wasps 5.2% | N/A | 115245 | Bosch J, Retana J, Cerdá... |
Time required to finish the juvenile stage and flower from seed | Plant orchid | 4-7 | Years | 106655 | Hsiao et al., Researches... |
Estimated number of species in the orchid family (the most species-rich of all angiosperm families) | Plant orchid | 25000 | Species | 106653 | Hsiao et al., Researches... |
Age of the most recent common ancestor of extant orchids | Plant orchid | 76-84 | Mya | 106654 | Hsiao et al., Researches... |
Genome size, GC content and gene number of sequenced genomes | Bacteria Xanthomonas spp. | Table - link | N/A | 107313 | Jackson RW (editor).... |
Concentration of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) used for mutagenesis | Sugarcane Saccharum spp. | 32 | mM | 109869 | Mahlanza T, Rutherford RS... |
Average DNA yield per 50-100 mg of dried wood sample | Trees Dipterocarpaceae spp. | 2.2 | μg | 109014 | Yanti Rachmayanti, Ludger... |
Concentration of Plancomycetes bacteria in P3 alkaline compartment of hindgut | Termite Cubitermes spp | 2.6e+9 | cells/ml | 104950 | Köhler T, Stingl U, Meuser K... |
PPi pool in plant tissue cytoplasm | Plants | 0.04 to 0.8 | mM | 108168 | Shi-Jean S. Sung, Dian-Peng... |
Size of spherical plant virus' virion | Virus | 25 - 35 | nm | 111224 | Rao AL. Genome packaging... |
Fraction of cyst wall that is chitin | Protozoan Entamoeba spp. | ~25 | % | 115065 | Martınez, Jose´ P Falomir... |
Turgor pressure in growing plant cells | Plants | 0.3 to 1 | MPa | 106012 | Cosgrove DJ. Assembly... |
Estimated number of medicinal plant species | Plants | 30,000 to 80,000 | Species | 107293 | Mochamad Afendi et al.... |
Osmotic pressure of young plant leaf | Plants | 0.3 | mosm | 100822 | Nobel, P. S. "Plant ... |