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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Maximum annual leaf dry mass per area Northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis 115 g/m^2 107203 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Annual max photosynthetic rate Northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis 15 µmol/m^2/sec 107197 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Maximum annual leaf nitrogen content Northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis 3.2 g/m^2 107200 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Leaf mass per area for lowest leaves in the canopy Oak Quercus petraea ~80 g/m^2 107171 P Meir et al., Acclimation...
Summary of regression relationships between area and weight-based gas exchange rates and nitrogen concentrations and leaf mass per area for leaf-age season classes in oak and maple Plants Table - link N/A 107220 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Maximum annual leaf nitrogen content Sugar maple Acer saccharum 1.5 g/m^2 107202 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Maximum annual leaf dry mass per area Red maple Acer rubrum 85 g/m^2 107204 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Maximum annual leaf nitrogen content Red maple Acer rubrum 1.5 g/m^2 107201 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Investment in reproductive structures as percent of total above-ground productivity Oak Quercus coccifera 2–27 % 100678 Johannes M. H. Knops...
Maximum annual leaf dry mass per area Sugar maple Acer saccharum ~60 g/m^2 107205 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Annual max photosynthetic rate Red maple Acer rubrum 9 µmol/m^2/sec 107198 PB Reich, MB Walters...
Annual max photosynthetic rate Sugar maple Acer saccharum 6 µmol/m^2/sec 107199 PB Reich, MB Walters...
beta carotene concentration Oak Quercus coccifera 100 mmol/mol chl 101434 Rubio De Casas R, Vargas P...
Xanthophyll cycle pigments concentration Oak Quercus coccifera 84.2 mmol/mol chl 101433 Rubio De Casas R, Vargas P...
Total chlorophyll (a+b) concentration in oceanic forest Oak Quercus coccifera 549.5 µmol/m^2 101422 Rubio De Casas R, Vargas P...
Total chlorophyll (a+b) concentration in subalpine sunny-slope thicket Oak Quercus coccifera 890 µmol/m^2 101432 Rubio De Casas R, Vargas P...
Leaf mass per unit area Peach Prunus persica ~75 g/m^2 107155 Rosati A, Day KR, DeJong...
Volume of palisade tissue (mesophyll) cell 7 days after bloom Tree Oak Quercus 1200 µm^3 104797 Saito T, Soga K, Hoson T...
Pigment and protein content of leaves Common bean Phaseolus vulgaris Table - link N/A 107403 Antal T, Mattila H, ...
Typical mRNA halflife (determined by northern blotting or RNase protection) Bacteria Escherichia coli 60 - 120 sec 111534 Mackie GA RNase E: at...