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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of extant species Crustacea >52,000 species 117178 Thomas W. Cronin & Megan...
Annual amount of chitin produced by crustaceans, mollusks, insects, and fungi Biosphere ~10^11 tonnes chitin/year 115064 Tharanathan RN, Kittur...
Mass-specific metabolic rates q across life Biosphere Table - link W/kg 107981 Makarieva AM, Gorshkov VG...
Number of species in different animal phyla classified according to habitat Various Table - link N/A 101843 May RM. How Many Species...
List of non-human animals with publications on their genome projects as of 2012 Metazoa animals Table - link Mb 112712 Luting Song & Wen Wang...