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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Diameter of hepatocyte nucleus | Rat Rattus norvegicus | 8 | µm | 104261 | Peters R. Nucleo-cytoplasmic... |
Chromosome number (2n) | Mouse Mus musculus | 40 | unitless | 100335 | Animal Genome Size Database... |
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 10 to 15°C | Catfish Ameiurus | 50 to 60 | m/s | 108967 | Bullock TH, Horridge... |
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20 to 25°C | Fish Carp Cyprinus | 55 to 63 | m/s | 108968 | Bullock TH, Horridge... |
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C | African lungfish Protopterus | 19 | m/s | 108969 | Bullock TH, Horridge... |
Velocity of action potential in dorsal roots | Fish skate Raja | 8 to 36 | m/s | 108970 | Bullock TH, Horridge... |
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber at 20°C | Lamprey Entosphenus | 5 | m/s | 108971 | Bullock TH, Horridge... |
Axon diameter in the optic nerve | North American opossum Didelphis virginiana | myelinated 0.3-6.7µm (mean 1.6µm): unmyelinated 0.2-1.6µm (mean 0.6µm) | µm | 112118 | Kirby MA, Clift-Forsberg L... |
Ejection velocity of zig-zagged silken mixture of glue and venom (to tether prey at a distance) | Spitting spider Scytodes thoracica | ≤28.8 | m/s | 116192 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Average dimensions of neuronal soma of trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus in adult | Syrian Hamster Mesocricetus auratus | diameter 34.1µm: surface area 3,651µm^2: cytoplasmic volume 20,569µm^3 | N/A | 112113 | Alley KE. Morphogenesis... |
Diameter of soma of neuron | Tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta | 22 - 24 | µm | 112116 | Tublitz NJ, Truman JW.... |
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats in the USA each year according to different sources | Biosphere | Winkler et al., 80 million birds/year: Walsberg 319 - 638 | birds/year | 116947 | Kevin J. Gaston & Tim... |
Number of birds lost to predation by domestic cats each year | Biosphere | in Britain ≥20 million birds/year: in USA >80 | million birds/year | 116948 | Winkler, K., Fall, B.A.... |
Percent body fat at birth of 15 mammalian species | Mammals | Figure - link | % | 113759 | Leonard WR, Robertson ML... |
Rate of axoplasmic transport in sciatic nerve | Mammals | dog 260mm/day: cat 431mm/day | mm/day | 112226 | Ochs S. Rate of fast... |
Beta-catenin concentration in early embryos | African clawed frog Xenopus laevis | 35 | nM | 101952 | Lee E, Salic A, Krüger R... |
Divergence between turtles and Archosauria (birds and dinosaurs) | Various | ~255 (274 to 233) | Mya | 108234 | Chiari Y, Cahais V, Galtier N... |
Mean linear red cell velocity for the temporalis muscle in 34 arterioles and precapillaries not more than 5 µm in luminal diameter | Rat Rattus norvegicus | 2.43 (±0.08) | mm/sec | 115135 | Ivanov, K., Kalinina... |
Fraction of the whole cell Ca2+ current carried by N channel (N-type calcium channel) | Mammals | pig ≤80%: cat 45%: bovine, rat, mouse & human chromaffin cells 30% | % of the whole cell Ca2+ current | 113139 | García AG et al., Calcium... |
Number of ER transcription factor molecules per cell | Human Homo sapiens | 11,000 ZR-75-1 breast cancer cell line: 260,000 MCF-7 breast carcinoma cell line | Molecules/cell | 106904 | Mark D. Biggin, Animal... |