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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Fluctuation in number of neurons in brain area involved in producing and recognizing song Canary bird Serinus canaria 40,000 in spring to 25,000 in fall and winter Neurons 106409 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Approximate λmax values of cone visual pigments, where known, in different bird species Birds Table - link nm 117175 Frentiu FD, Briscoe AD....
Total number of neurons in brain Frog, Rana esculenta 1.58e+7 neurons 109425 Kemali, M., and Braitenberg...
Number of neurons in the central nervous system of whales and elephants Mammals >200,000,000,000 neurons 109132 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Number of neurons in brain Bee Apis mellifera ~960,000 neurons 109328 Menzel R, Giurfa M. Cognitive...
Number of neurons in cerebral cortex Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes 6.7e+9 neurons 109329 Hart BL, Hart LA, Pi...
Number of neurons in the central nervous system of small free-living metazoans such as rotifers and nematodes Eukaryotes <300 neurons 109130 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Number of neurons in the central nervous system of the common octopus and small mammals such as shrews Eukaryotes ~30,000,000 neurons 109131 Williams RW, Herrup K....
Cellular replacement rate of dopamine neuron Mouse Mus musculus 20 new cells/day 109890 Lindvall O, McKay R....
Number of bird specimens on Earth Biosphere 200 - 400 billion (10^9) birds 116940 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Population size (most numerous undomesticated bird on earth) Red-billed quelea Quelea quelea ~1.5 billion individuals 117284 Bennett CE et al., The...
Longest recorded non-stop flight in a bird (Alpine swift, Tachymarptis melba) Birds 200 days 112866 Liechti F, Witvliet W...
Fraction of the ≈10,000 presently known bird species that have become extinct since A.D. 1500 Birds ≈1.3 % 116938 Pimm S, Raven P, Peterson A...
Net change in abundance across North American bird families, 1970-2017 Biosphere Table - link N/A 117283 Rosenberg KV et al.,...
Fraction of bird species that are polyandrous (one female has a number of male mates) Birds <1 % 113078 David Ward, Do Polyandrous...
Number of bird species that became extinct in tropical oceania islands in approximately 2000 years, since human colonization Biosphere 1800 bird species 117273 Khan S et al., Overview...
Decrease in bird population size in North America since 1970 Biosphere 29 % 117279 Rosenberg KV et al.,...
Fraction of species that are interspecific and intraspecific brood parasites (out of the ~10,000 bird species) Birds interspecific 1%: intraspecific 2% % 117200 Stevens M. Bird brood...
Shape of the foveal pit and maximal visual acuity (spatial resolving power) of various bird species Birds Table - link N/A 117191 Bringmann A. Structure...
Estimated time range of diversification of Xenopus laevis (amphibians) and human (bird-mammal) Various 520.5e+6 - 581e+6 years 105157 Donoghue PC, Benton MJ....