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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Genome-scale phylogeny of birds Birds Table - link million years ago 117107 Jarvis ED et al., Wh...
Summary phylogeny (genealogical tree) of birds Birds Figure link Mya 113269 Brusatte SL, O'Connor JK...
Field of vision of flying birds Birds 340 ° 105418 Nagy M, Akos Z, Biro D...
Estimates for the number of individual birds in different countries with mean density Birds Table - link N/A 116943 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Bone mass as a fraction of the total body mass in flying birds Birds ~6% for smallest birds to ~8% for heaviest flying birds % 108638 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Estimates for the number of individual birds in Africa and the Nearctic with mean density Birds Table - link N/A 116950 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Estimates of the local density of individual birds (number/km^2) of all species at seven forest sites on five continents Birds Table - link individuals/km^2 116942 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Shape of the foveal pit and maximal visual acuity (spatial resolving power) of various bird species Birds Table - link N/A 117191 Bringmann A. Structure...
Fraction of species that are interspecific and intraspecific brood parasites (out of the ~10,000 bird species) Birds interspecific 1%: intraspecific 2% % 117200 Stevens M. Bird brood...
Fraction of species in breeding avifauna which comprises seabirds Birds in Britain 16 %: globaly ~4 % 116945 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Fraction of all species that are obligate brood parasites Birds ~1 % of all bird species 117275 Stevens M. Bird brood...
Number of individual seabirds breeding in Britain Birds 6.67e+6 individual birds 116944 Kevin J. Gaston & Tim...
Longest recorded non-stop flight in a bird (Alpine swift, Tachymarptis melba) Birds 200 days 112866 Liechti F, Witvliet W...
Fraction of the ≈10,000 presently known bird species that have become extinct since A.D. 1500 Birds ≈1.3 % 116938 Pimm S, Raven P, Peterson A...
Total body water Birds at hatching ~85%: when adult weight is attained ~60% % 113046 Erik Skadhauge, 1981...
Fraction of bird species that are polyandrous (one female has a number of male mates) Birds <1 % 113078 David Ward, Do Polyandrous...
Number of species in which intraspecific (same-species) brood parasitism has been reported Birds ~200 bird species 117276 Stevens M. Bird brood...
Fraction of ~347 seabird species that are globally threatened and critically endangered as of 2010 Birds globally threatened 28%: critically endangered 5% % 117199 Friesen MR, Beggs JR1...
Number of times obligate interspecific brood parasitism arose independently during evolution Birds 7 times 117277 Stevens M. Bird brood...
Initiation of sex chromosome evolution Birds >130 Ma (million years ago) 112865 Yazdi HP, Ellegren H....