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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of hairs on human head Human Homo sapiens 90,000-150,000 unitless 101509 Amazing numbers in biology...
Length of neuron from base of spine to big toe-longest cell in human body Human Homo sapiens ≤1 meter 104901 Fletcher DA, Theriot...
Average duration of a single eye blink Human Homo sapiens 0.1-0.4 sec 100706 http://faculty.washi...
One unit of OD600 corresponds to a cell wet weight and a cell dry weight of Bacteria Escherichia coli Cell wet weight 1.7g/L: cell dry weight 0.39g/L 109836 Glazyrina J, Materne EM...
Size of glucose molecule (open chain form) Generic 1.5 nm 106979 Daniel Minoli, Nanotechnology...
Diameter of human hair Human Homo sapiens 17 to 181 link μm 106856 The Physics Factbook™...
Human body mean volume Human Homo sapiens 65.22 Liters 109718 Bianconi E, et al., An...
Cell concentration for culture with OD600 of 1 Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3e+7 Cells/ml 100986 Audra Day, Colette Schneider...
Density and mass of each organ/tissue Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110245 International commission...
Reaction times to sound, light and touch Human Homo sapiens mean auditory reaction times 140-160msec: touch 155msec: visual reaction times 180-200msec msec 110800 [1] Galton, F. 1899....
Genomic DNA amount in diploid cell Human Homo sapiens ~6 pg/cell 111206 Russo Jose & Russo Irma...
Percent of protein in body that is collagen Human Homo sapiens 30 to 40 % 109730 Hall, D. A. (ed) (1964)...
Ratio of cell dry weight (g/L)/OD600 Bacteria Escherichia coli 0.36 g/liter 109837 Ren Q, Henes B, Fairhead M...
Number of cells in colony Bacteria Escherichia coli 3.3e+9 (Table - link) Cells/colony 104458 Mashimo K, Nagata Y, Kawata M...
Number of blood and immune cells distributed throughout the human body Human Homo sapiens ~10^13 cells/body 117350 Jason Cosgrove, Lucie...
Identification of total proteins in A. baumannii DU202 cultured in LB medium supplemented with imipenem Bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii Table - link N/A 111523 Yun SH et al., Quantitative...
Diameter of HEK-293 cell Human Homo sapiens 13 μm 108893 http://www.invitroge...
Doubling time of "normal" laboratory haploid strain Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ~90 in YPD [yeast extract peptone dextrose] medium: ~140 in synthetic media Minutes 108255 F. Sherman, Getting started...
Total length of large and small intestines in body lengths Ruminants ox ~20 body lengths: sheep & goat 25 body lengths body lengths 112407 Habel, R. E. (1975) in...
Average diameter & length of small & large intestine Human Homo sapiens small intestine diameter 2.5cm length 291cm: large intestine diameter 4.8cm length 190cm cm 111127 Helander HF, Fändriks...