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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Average duration of a single eye blink Human Homo sapiens 0.1-0.4 sec 100706 http://faculty.washi...
Time during which the pupil is occluded and vision thereby interrupted during a normal blink Human Homo sapiens 100-150 msec 113196 Volkmann FC. Human visual...
Angular resolution of the eye Human Homo sapiens 18 arcsec 114251 Keller & Friedli, Visibility...
Visible spectrum seen by the eye Human Homo sapiens 370-730 nanometers 100917
Time for eye maturation and development African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 60 hours 102457 Curran KL, LaRue S, Bronson B...
Fraction of refractive power in eye that is accountable to cornea focusing light onto the retina Human Homo sapiens >2/3 of refractive power 117193 Koudouna E et al., Evolution...
Diameter of eye Human Homo sapiens 24 mm 109680 Vaughan & Asbury's General...
In the global population, a person and a child go blind every Human Homo sapiens a person goes blind every 5 sec: a child goes blind every minute N/A 117172 Allen D, Vasavada A....
Fraction of the 37 million blind people in 1990 who were blind as a result of cataract Human Homo sapiens 40 % 117171 Allen D, Vasavada A....
Turnover of eye lens crystallines Human Homo sapiens Life time N/A 109840 Lynnerup N, Kjeldsen H...
Number of eye-related genes (~3.5% of the genome) Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 501 genes 117180 Fernald RD. Casting a...
Rod disc spacing in eye Unspecified 28 nm 109782 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Number of ommatidia per eye Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 483 (±7 Table - link) Ommatidia/eye 106986 Böhni R, Riesgo-Escovar J...
Magnification of eye (Human optics) Human Homo sapiens 0.274 to 0.291 Table - link mm/deg 109778 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Time octopus and vertebrate eye arose Metazoa animals octopus eye arose ∼480: vertebrate eye arose 640 to 490 million years ago 117181 Fernald RD. Casting a...
Size of main, cylindrical, “tubular” eye Brownsnout spookfish Dolichopteryx longipes height ~6: width 4 mm 117187 Wagner HJ, Douglas RH...
Rod disc packing density in eye Unspecified 36 μm^-1 109783 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Peak specific optical density in eye vertebrates 0.015 μm^-1 109785 R. W. Rodieck, The first...
Diameter of eye lens Human Homo sapiens 9 mm 103464 Riordan-Eva, P. and Whitcher...
Thickness of eye lens Human Homo sapiens 4 mm 103466 Riordan-Eva, P. and Whitcher...