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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Apparent activation energy of the process producing discrete excitation events in rod cell | Toad Bufo marinus | ~22 | kcal/mole | 107392 | Baylor D. How photons... |
Number of transducin molecules that one single molecule of the light-activated receptor rhodopsin can turn over in intact rod cells | Toad Bufo marinus | >3,000 | transducins/rhodopsin | 110989 | Kahlert, M., and K. P.... |
Diameter of endocytic vesicle | Mexican toad Bufo marinus | 100 (±30) | nm | 104385 | Shi LB, Verkman AS. Very... |
Number of rhodopsin molecules in rod photoreceptor cell | vertebrates | toad ~3×10^9: mammal ~10^8 | rhodopsins/rod | 111344 | F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor... |
Number of molecules of rhodopsin in each rod cell | Mammals | ~40,000,000 | molecules/rod cell | 108323 | Arnadóttir J, Chalfie... |
Dark rate of discrete noise events in rod | Macaque Macaca fascicularis | 0.0063 | sec^-1 | 107389 | Baylor DA, Nunn BJ, Schnapf... |
Peak of amplitude spectrum of the cone flash response | Human Homo sapiens | 5 to 10 | Hz | 107390 | Baylor D. How photons... |
Measured mean vesicle (of endocytic pathway) diameter | Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 82 | nm | 110573 | Puchner EM, Walter JM... |
Number of membrane disks in rod photoreceptor cell | Toad | ~2,000 | disks/cell | 111343 | F. Rieke and D. A. Baylor... |
Time to wait for a thermal activation of a rhodopsin molecule at 37°C | Generic | 420 | Years | 107393 | Baylor D. How photons... |
Cell diameter in culture (largest reported archaea) | Archaea Staphylothermus marinus | ≤15 | μm | 110070 | Schulz HN, Jorgensen... |
Values of the amplification constant A=τΦ^-2 estimated from responses to dim flashes for photoreceptors of various species | vertebrates | Table - link | N/A | 107941 | Pugh EN Jr, Lamb TD.... |
Number of rRNA operons (except for two Prochlorococcus strains from the eMIT9313 clade (which have 2)) | Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus marinus | 1 | rRNA operon | 111756 | Martiny AC et al., Taxonomic... |
Estimated time range of diversification of Xenopus laevis (amphibians) and human (bird-mammal) | Various | 520.5e+6 - 581e+6 | years | 105157 | Donoghue PC, Benton MJ.... |
Viscosity of water at 21°C | Generic | 0.9779 | cP | 103392 | Eggena P. Activation... |
Mean interphase nuclear and chromosomal volumes and DNA contents for liver parenchymal cells for 16 frog and 15 salamander species | vertebrates | Table - link | N/A | 107792 | Conger AD, Clinton JH.... |
Mean cell diameter of seven different types of cell in the following organisms | Amphibians | a 2.6g frog 18.32µm: a 50g frog 18.71µm: a 624g toad 24.17µm | µm | 115028 | Ocqueteau C et al., ... |
Number of nuclear pores in heart tissue nuclei | Scaphiophus holbrooki | 2561 | pores/nucleus | 101385 | Maul GG, Deaven L. Q... |
Double-strand breaks per genome | Bacteria Escherichia coli | 0.2 | unitless | 102010 | X. Sunney Xie, Paul J. Choi... |
Cell diameter | Green algae Micromonas pusilla | 1 to 2 | μm | 108068 | Beveridge TJ. Ultrastructure... |