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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Estimated translocating distance of injected creatine kinase in squid giant axons Squid Table - link µm 112177 Terada S, Kinjo M, Hirokawa...
Estimated speed of transport in squid giant axons Squid Table - link µm/hour 112176 Terada S, Kinjo M, Hirokawa...
Velocity of action potential in giant axon at 23°C Squid Loligo 33 m/s 108960 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Mean velocity of movement of axoplasmic organelles along purified microtubules Squid Loligo pealeii 1.42 µm/sec 112233 Vale RD, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS...
Average actin filament length in neuron Squid Loligo pealeii 0.55 (204 subunits (~370 subunits per micrometer)) μm 110645 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Time required for the diffusion of the transmitter across the synaptic gap Squid 1 µsec 102702 Llinás R, Steinberg IZ...
Membrane potential of sodium ion in axon Squid -60 (Table - link) mV 104085 Stein, Wilfred D., Channels...
Protein fraction by weight in axoplasm Squid 5 % 100462 "Cell movements - from...
Duration of fast synaptic transmission Squid <=1 ms 102701 Llinás R, Steinberg IZ...
Average doubling time in light organ of squid host Bacteria Vibrio fischeri 4.8 (±1) hours 105460 Lee KH, Ruby EG. Effect...
Ionic concentrations inside and outside squid axon and mammalian muscle cell Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 103650 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Fast axonal transport in dorsal root ganglion cell Cat ≤5µm/sec (equivalent to ≤432mm/day) N/A 112232 Vale RD, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS...
Upper limit of concentration of culture in light organ of squid Euprymna scolopes Bacteria Vibrio fischeri 1e+11 Cells/ml 109186 Miller MB, Bassler BL....
Velocity of action potential in giant fiber Cockroach Periplaneta 9 to 12 m/s 108972 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Total cellular actin concentration Unspecified 100 μM 109293 Bernstein BW, Bamburg...
Action Potential parameters for avalanche and recovery phases for squid and cat Various Table - link N/A 104234 Aiello GL, Bach-y-Rita...
Velocity of action potential in leg nerve isolated axons at 21°C Crab Carcinus 3 to 4 m/s 108962 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in claw nerve axons Crayfish Cambarus fast-closer axon 20: slow-closer axon 10: opener axon 8 m/s 108963 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in sciatic nerve single nodal fiber Frog Rana 31 m/s 108964 Bullock TH, Horridge...
Velocity of action potential in sciatic nerve Frog Rana A fibers 14-50: B1 fibers 8-16: B2 fibers 3-4.5: C fibers 0.3-0.8 m/s 108965 Bullock TH, Horridge...