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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Life expectancy of longest-lived spider | Spider family Theraphosidae | >30 | years | 116188 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Longest observed mating of any spider | Spider (family Linyphiids) Troglohyphantes sp. | >18 | hours | 116210 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Oldest fossil spider in amber | Spider | 125 – 135 | Million years ago | 116056 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Age of oldest fossil spider | Spider | ∼300 | Million years ago | 116055 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Body length of the smallest known female spider | Spider Anapistula ataecina | 0.43 | mm | 116059 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Mass of prey consumed by the global spider community annually | Spider | 400 - 800 | million tons of prey annually | 116054 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Strength of strongest spider silk | Bark spider Caerostris darwini | maximum 520: average 350 | MJ/m^3 | 116186 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Enlarged posterior median eyes are more sensitive to light than human eyes by | Spider, family Deinopidae, Deinopis spp. | 2000 | times more sensitive to light than human eyes | 116187 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Length of spider web (largest known) | Bark spider Caerostris darwini | 25 | meters | 116184 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Speed of the power-amplified predatory strike and power output released | Spider (family Mecysmaucheniidae) Zearchaea sp. | speed 0.00012 sec: power output released 60,000 W/kg | N/A | 116209 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Size of spider web (largest known) | Bark spider Caerostris darwini | 900 to 28,000 | Cm^2 | 106968 | Matjaž Kuntner & Ingi... |
Leg span of the largest known spider by leg span | Spider Heteropoda maxima | ≤30 | cm | 116058 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Survival time of tide-induced submergence (under water) | Spider (family Desidae) Desis marina | ≤19 | days | 116212 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Dimensions of venom gland of largest venom glands in all spiders | Spider (family Ctenidae) genus Phoneutria | ≤10.4 × 2.7 mm | mm | 116183 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Fraction of energy needed to recycle web out of that needed to rebuild web from the beginning | Spider | 3.8 | % | 114027 | Mustafa Özilgen, Review... |
Dimensions of photoreceptors of eye in spiders with largest eyes | Net-casting spiders, family Deinopidae | width 20: length 110 | µm | 116181 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Fraction of cephalothorax volume that is occupied by the relatively large CNS (central nervous system) of very small spiders | Spider | ≤78 | % of cephalothorax volume | 116182 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Extant taxa | Spider | ~47,000 species: 4,072 genera: 112 families | N/A | 116053 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Diameter of eye of spiders with largest eyes | Net-casting spiders, family Deinopidae | ≤1.4 | mm | 116061 | Mammola S, Michalik P... |
Average gene length of collagen gene family | Human Homo sapiens | 132.83 | kbp | 104318 | Sharma VK, Brahmachari SK... |