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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diameter of Adult diarrhea rotavirus (ADRV) Rotavirus 70 nm 106099 Fang ZY, Glass RI, Penaranda...
Number of viral particles that are sufficient for infection with human enteric viruses such as norovirus, rotavirus, and poliovirus Virus <100 viral particles 113940 Pfeiffer JK, Virgin HW....
Fraction of recombinant proteins produced that assemble correctly into Virus Like Particle (VLP) Virus <=20 % 106098 Mellado MC, Franco C...
Baculovirus replication kinetics- replication parameter constants Baculovirus Table - link N/A 104134 Vieira HL, Estêvão C...
Half life of mRNAs of Baculovirus of different infectious strategies Baculovirus Table - link N/A 104135 Vieira HL, Estêvão C...
First fossil evidence of multicellular eukaryotes Eukaryotes ~900 Mya 107504 Topley and Wilson's ...
Particle:infectivity ratio Influenza 50:1 unitless 105685 Roy AM, Parker JS, Parrish CR...
First unequivocal fossil evidence of eukaryotes occurs in rock Eukaryotes ~1,200 Mya 107503 Topley and Wilson's ...
Asymptomatic incubation period of the virus in human Ebola virus ≤21 days 111115 Ebola: a call to action....
Viral reads classification Virus Table - link N/A 110702 Popgeorgiev N et al....
Estimated number of viral particles on earth Biosphere 1E+31 viral particles 110706 Minot S, Bryson A, Chehoud C...
Phage/prokaryote host ratio in gut Human Homo sapiens ~10 phage/prokaryotic host cell 113938 Pfeiffer JK, Virgin HW....
Total number of phages in biosphere and in 1mL of nonpolluted water Bacteriophage biosphere 10^30 - 10^32phages: in 1mL nonpolluted water ~2×10^8 PFU of phages N/A 112569 Abuladze T et al., B...
Frequency of resistance to Staphyloccocus aureus-specific phages in mice Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 1.3E-08 (±4.16E-09) unitless 112570 Capparelli R, Parlato M...
Average number of permanent systemic eukaryotic viral infections Human Homo sapiens ≥10 eukaryotic viral infections 113939 Pfeiffer JK, Virgin HW....
Maximal phage amplification rate and final ssDNA concentration in fed-batch processes with varying infection times Bacteriophage M13 Table - link N/A 114092 Kick B et al., Specific...
Virus genome length, capsid size, triangulation number and number of subunits Virus Figure - link N/A 113166 Brandes N, Linial M....
Volume variation within icosahedral families Virus Table - link % 113165 Brandes N, Linial M....
Buoyant densities of subcellular particles and viruses in silica gradients Various Table - link g/ml 109442 Håkan Pertoft, Torvard...