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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Relative humidity in which oxygen becomes toxic to rhizobia Rhizobia <=70 % 102431 Deaker, R., R. J. Roughley...
Increase in crop yield following 10 fold increase of inoculation rate Rhizobia 2 Fold 102434 Streeter JG. Accumulation...
Percent of genes downregulated by NaCl encoding ribosomes Rhizobia 25 % 102438 Vriezen JA, de Bruijn FJ...
Percent of trehalose out of total mono-and disaccharides in slow growing strains Rhizobia >=80 % 102433 Streeter JG. Accumulation...
Increase in crop yield due to inoculation Rhizobia <=25 % 102432 Deaker, R., R. J. Roughley...
Fraction of legumes species fixing nitrogen Plants 20 % 102437 Zahran HH. Rhizobium-legume...
Biological nitrogen fixation on Earth Biosphere 2e+14 Kg (N)/Year 103507 John Harte, Consider...
Percent of proteome under circadian regulation Mouse Mus musculus 10-20 % 102460 Hastings M, O'Neill JS...
Percent of circadian transciptome that can be expressed only by glucocorticoids Mouse Mus musculus 60 Percent 102461 Reddy AB, Maywood ES...
Percent of transcriptome under circadian regulation Mouse Mus musculus 5-10 % 102459 Hastings M, O'Neill JS...
Increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity upon change of substrate Bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophilus 3000 Fold 102611 Karagüler NG, Sessions RB...
Lectin molecular mass Legume Sesbania aculeata 39 kDa 104342 Biswas S, Saroha A, Das...
Increase in transport rate of solute in strain which cannot synthesize it Bacteria Chromohalobacter salexigens 6.8 Fold 102333 Vargas C, Argandona M...
Increase in content of solute in hypersaline conditions Bacteria Chromohalobacter salexigens 2.75-13.8 Fold 102334 Vargas C, Argandona M...