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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Some physical properties of the virions of the 30 families of RNA viruses RNA viruses Table - link N/A 106100 Cann, Alan, RNA viruses...
Spontaneous mutation rates among RNA viruses: genome size, mutations per bp per replication and mutations per genome per replication RNA viruses Table - link N/A 106762 Drake JW. Rates of s...
Mutation rate RNA viruses 1 mutation/genome/replication 106247 Anderson JP, Daifuku R...
Mutation rate RNA viruses 10^-3 to 10^-5 Mutations/site/replication 106248 Domingo E, Holland JJ....
Number of new virions produced daily within an infected individual RNA viruses 10^10 to 10^11 Virions/day 106249 Anderson JP, Daifuku R...
Overall rates of nucleotide substitution RNA viruses nearly all RNA viruses examined 10^–2 to 10^–5: most viruses within one order of magnitude of 10^−3 substitution/site/year 112772 Duffy S, Shackelton LA...
Estimated mutation rate RNA viruses 10^-4 to 10^-6 substitutions per base 112262 Acevedo A, Brodsky L...
Packaging profiles of spherical plant RNA viruses Virus Table - link N/A 111223 Rao AL. Genome packaging...
Mutation rates in Lytic RNA viruses Virus Table - link N/A 104749 Drake JW. The distribution...
Evolutionary rate is faster in RNA viruses compared to DNA viruses by Virus 2-3 orders of magnitude faster in RNA viruses compared to DNA viruses 113163 Brandes N, Linial M....
Ratio between mutation rate in RNA viruses and in vertebrate species Various 1e+6 Unitless 106588 Bedford T, Cobey S, Pascual...
Estimated rates of beneficial mutation in E. coli & RNA viruses Various 1E-09 - 1E-08 1/genome/generation 112769 Perfeito L, Fernandes L...
Deposition rates of viruses Biosphere by atmospheric washout 0.31e9 - 3.84e9: by sedimentation 0.26e9 - 3.89e9 viruses/m^2/day 114907 Reche I, D'Orta G, Mladenov N...
Number of genera of plant viruses as of 2006 Virus ~80 genera 111222 Rao AL. Genome packaging...
Concentration of viruses in seawater Virus 10^6-10^8 viral particles/ml 113291 Taylor MW, Radax R, Steger D...
Diffusion rate of viruses Virus 1.6 to 30 µm^2/sec 105948 Murray, A. G., Jackson...
Radii of viruses Virus ~10 - 200 nm 112740 Lošdorfer Božič A, Šiber A...
Packaged volume fractions of some bacteriophage and eukaryotic viruses Virus Table - link N/A 111591 Purohit PK et al., Forces...
Genome size (smallest known RNA virus genome) Hepatitis delta virus 1.7 Kb 105570 Huang CR, Lo SJ. Evolution...
DNA and RNA virus families according to 2005 report Virus Table - link N/A 106120 S. Jane Flint, L. W. Enquist...