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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Body mass (kg) and skeletal muscle mass (kg) of 15 primate species Primates Table - link kg 113756 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Emergence of Homo erectus Primates ~1.8 Mya 113752 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Metabolic rate (RMR [resting metabolic rate], kcal per day), body mass (kg), brain mass (g) and diet quality (DQ) for 41 primate species Primates Table - link N/A 113755 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Geological ages (millions of years ago), brain size (cm^3), estimated male and female body weights (kg), and posterior tooth surface areas (mm^2) for selected fossil hominid species Primates Table - link N/A 113757 Leonard WR, Robertson ML...
Parameters and variables of a cellular and molecular model of response kinetics and adaptation in primate cones and horizontal cells Primates Table - link N/A 109139 van Hateren H. A cellular...
Divergence between nucleotide sequences of the ψη-globin pseudogene Primates Table - link % 106782 Futuyma, Evolution 2nd...
Averages of the weights of some skeletal parts in percentage of total skeletal weight Primates Table - link % 107238 Schultz AH. The relative...
Number of neurons in minicolumn Primates 80 to 100 Neurons 107320 Sporns O, Tononi G, Kötter...
Ratio between cones (in the foveola), midget bipolars and midget ganglion cells (in the fovea walls) Primates cones:midget bipolars:midget ganglion cells=1:2:2 unitless 117190 Bringmann A. Structure...
Rate of base substitution in mitochondrial DNA Primates 0.02 substitutions/base pair/million years 113081 Brown WM, George M Jr...
Factor by which rate of evolution of the mitochondrial genome appears to exceed that of the single-copy fraction of the nuclear genome Primates ~10 unitless 113082 Brown WM, George M Jr...
Expansion in the size of the brain relative to the body in humans compared to lower primates Human Homo sapiens 3 fold expansion 111648 Harris JJ, Jolivet R...
Known protein-coding genes Human Homo sapiens ~20,500 Genes 100399 Clamp M et al., Dist...
Estimated time range of diversification of human and mouse Mammals 61.7e+6 - 100.5e+6 years 105152 Donoghue PC, Benton MJ....
Divergence date estimates and 95% credibility intervals Mammals Table - link Mya 108237 Jameson NM, Hou ZC, Sterner...
Weight of skeleton Human Homo sapiens 2,302 to 5,642 Grams 107237 Schultz AH. The relative...
Rate of nucleotide substitution Spumavirus simian foamy virus (SFV) 1.7E-08 substitution/site/year 112773 Duffy S, Shackelton LA...
Glial cell density in grey matter of brain Human Homo sapiens 30,000 - 60,000 cells/mm^3 115169 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Neocortex fraction of brain volume Mammals 14% in basal insectivores: 80% in humans % 110875 Herculano-Houzel S, Mota B...
Variability of size in brain (possibly only in forebrain) Human Homo sapiens ~15 - 20 % above and below the mean values 114631 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...