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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Ratio of adenylate kinase concentration between C4 plants/C3 plants | Plants | >=30 | Unitless | 103404 | Hatch M. D., Properties... |
Time when land plants first began to diverge | Plants | ~450-460 | Mya | 110277 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
Percent of polyploid flowering plants | Plants | 70 | % | 104736 | Masterson J, Stomatal... |
Number of proteins in various plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 105987 | Weiche and Lang et. al... |
Divergence of mono- and dicotyledonous plants | Plants | 130 to 220 | Million years ago | 107612 | Gruber CW et al., Di... |
Size of chloroplasts of selected plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 104982 | Amazing numbers in biology... |
Size of bacterial aggregates in plants | Plants | >1,000 | bacterial cells | 115369 | Vorholt JA. Microbial... |
Genome size data available in land plants as of 2013 | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 110276 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
Date of divergence of mosses and seed plants | Plants | 480 | Mya | 106742 | Cove DJ et al., The moss... |
Size of photosystem 1 (PSI) in plants | Plants | 12-19 | nm | 100904 | The structure of a plant... |
Rate of formation of autotetraploids in plants | Plants | 1E-05 | 1/individual/generation | 105420 | Otto SP, Whitton J. Polyploid... |
Fraction of all angiosperms (flowering plants) that are asterids and rosids | Plants | asterids 41% rosids 24 | % | 116900 | Arrivault S et al., ... |
Fraction of vascular plants that use CAM metabolism | Plants | 6 to 7 | % | 101487 | Nobel, P. S. "Plant ... |
Estimated divergence time of mosses and seed plants | Plants | 496 (±84 Table - link) | Mya | 105200 | Zimmer A, Lang D, Richardt S... |
Number of species of extant seed plants (spermatophyte) | Plants | ~352,000 angiosperms: ~850 gymnosperms Table - link | species | 110281 | Dr. Ilia J. Leitch, Prof.... |
Percent of total leaf nitrogen contained in Rubisco in C3 plants | Plants | 20-30 | % | 101769 | Feller, U. et al. Ru... |
Percent of total leaf nitrogen contained in Rubisco in C4 plants | Plants | 5-9 | % | 101770 | Feller, Urs et al. R... |
Rates of light saturated inorganic carbon assimilation in various aquatic plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 106757 | Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics... |
Velocity of cytoplasmic streaming in cells of aquatic plants | Plants | Table - link | N/A | 105376 | Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics... |
Estimated time range of evolution of rise to dominance of C4 plants in grasslands | Plants | 5-8 | Mya | 105195 | Christin PA, Besnard G... |