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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Generation time of HIV HIV 2.6 days 102371 Perelson AS, Neumann AU...
Virus diameter of HIV-1 HIV 126.5 (±16.4) nm 101667 Zhu et al. Electron ...
The lipid composition of HIV-1 HIV Table - link Lipid molecules/average HIV-1 virion 106989 Brügger B, Glass B, Haberkant...
Genome size of HIV-1 HXB2 HIV 9719 nts 105769 HIV Sequence Compendium...
Isolation of HIV from body fluids HIV Table - link N/A 102399 Levy JA. Pathogenesis...
Daily production HIV particles in untreated patients HIV 1e+11 Virus particles per day 100609 Ramratnam B, Bonhoeffer S...
Comparison of HIV titer and CD4plus count HIV Table - link N/A 102401 Levy JA. Pathogenesis...
Number of lipids per HIV-1 virion HIV 296000 (Table - link) Lipid molecules/average HIV-1 virion 106992 Brügger B, Glass B, Haberkant...
Half-life of HIV infected cells in-vivo HIV 1.6 days 100607 Perelson AS, Neumann AU...
Number of different lipids in the HIV envelope HIV 300000 Lipid types 101850 Physical Biology of the Cell...
Mutation rate of HIV reverse transcriptase in cells HIV 3E-05 mutations per bp per cycle 100606 Mansky LM, Temin HM....
Half-life of free HIV virions in plasma HIV 28-110 minutes 100608 Ramratnam B, Bonhoeffer S...
Plasma apheresis data in HIV study on humans HIV Table - link N/A 112651 De Boer RJ, Ribeiro RM...
Forward mutant frequencies in DNA copied by HIV-1 RT HIV Table - link N/A 110133 Roberts JD, Bebenek K...
Diffusion coefficient of HIV-1 particle in nucleus of human 293T cells HIV 50-220 nm^2/sec 104714 Arhel N, Genovesio A...
size of pore across HIV TAT protein allowing passage through membrane HIV 3 nm 102675 Vyas JM, Van der Veen AG...
Total number of productively infected CD4+ T cells and total number of HIV-1 particles HIV productively infected CD4+ T cells 10^8 cells: total number of HIV-1 particles >5×10^10 particles N/A 112644 De Boer RJ, Ribeiro RM...
Diffusion coefficient shared by all HIV-1 surface proteins present on the wild-type mature particle HIV ≈0.002-0.003 µm^2/sec 114190 Chojnacki J et al., Envelope...
Half-life of virus-producing CD4+ T cell and generation time of HIV-1 in vivo in human HIV Half-life of virus-producing CD4+ T cell 0.7 days: generation time of HIV-1 in vivo ~2 days days 112646 Markowitz M et al., A...
Rate of destruction of infected CD4plus cells before therapy HIV 2e+9 cells per day 102374 McCune JM. The dynamics...