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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Chromosome number (2n) Gorilla Gorilla species 48 unitless 100371 De Grouchy J. Chromosome...
Chromosome number (2n) Human Homo sapiens 46 unitless 100426 Animal Genome Size Database...
Chromosome number (2n) Mouse Mus musculus 40 unitless 100335 Animal Genome Size Database...
Chromosome number (2n) Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 10 unitless 100474 Armstrong SJ, Jones GH....
Number of chromosomes (2n)=(6x) Bread wheat Triticum aestivum 42 Unitless 105917 Dubcovsky J et al., Genetic...
Chromosome number (2n) Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 64 unitless 100375 Semba U, Umeda Y, Shibuya Y...
Relative brain weight Human Homo sapiens 2-2.5 Percent 104074 Amazing numbers in biology...
Population splits and effective population sizes (Ne) during great ape evolution Apes Figure - link N/A 111515 Prado-Martinez J et al....
Divergence between nucleotide sequences of the ψη-globin pseudogene Primates Table - link % 106782 Futuyma, Evolution 2nd...
Number of extant species Crustacea >52,000 species 117178 Thomas W. Cronin & Megan...
Estimated number of species Insect 5,000,000 - 6,000,000 species 113444 Pimm SL et al., The ...
Number of plant species Plants ~350,000 (representing an estimated 80–90% of the global total) species 113395 Vellend M et al., Plant...
Effective population size (Ne) estimates from DNA sequence diversities Various Table - link individuals 113338 Charlesworth B. Fundamental...
Number of flowering plant species Plants 250,000 to 400,000 Species 107611 Gruber CW et al., Di...
Number of Ebola virus species Ebola virus 5 species 111116 Radzimanowski J, Effantin G...
Number of chromosomes in haploid complement of ten species Grass spp. 7 to 21 Chromosomes 108219 Zhang H, Dawe RK. Total...
Estimated number of beetle species that are hosted by one species of tropical tree Biosphere 160 Species 103930 May RM. How Many Species...
Number of species Cnidaria 9000 unitless 102413 Lecointre, G. and H....
Total number of species Biosphere ~9 - 52 million species 117274 Khan S et al., Overview...
Number of species in Chlamydomonas genus Green algae Chlamydomonas >450 Species 107477 Editor(s): Dr. Robert...