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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diffusion rate of Lactate dehydrogenase Dogfish 49.9 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 100353 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Molecular mass of Lactate dehydrogenase Dogfish 146200 (Table - link) Dalton 100357 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Ionic strength of muscle fiber Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula >=300 mM 106147 West TG, Ferenczi MA...
Ionic strength of sea water Biosphere 1000 mM 106144 Storey, K. B. Functional...
Physiological ionic strength Unspecified ≈120 mM 111137 Robinson PJ, Fairall L...
Molecular mass of Malate dehydrogenase Pig Sus species 74900 (Table - link) Dalton 100403 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Intracellular ionic strength of animals Eukaryotes 200 to 300 mM 106143 Storey, K. B. Functional...
Diffusion rate of Alcohol dehydrogenase Horse Equus caballus 62.3 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 100248 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Diffusion rate of Malate dehydrogenase Pig Sus species 57.6 (Table - link) µm^2/sec 100391 Squire PG, Himmel ME....
Representative organisms using different osmolyte systems Various Table - link N/A 106142 Yancey PH, Clark ME, Hand SC...