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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Fidelity of reverse transcriptases (RTs) in the ɸX174 mutagenesis assay | Bacteriophage phi X174 | Table - link | N/A | 110131 | Preston BD, Poiesz BJ... |
Dimensions of virion | Bacteriophage phi X174 | 305.6Å×360.8Å×299.5Å | Å | 106442 | McKenna R et al., Atomic... |
Idealized geometries of bacteriophage | Bacteriophage | Table - link | N/A | 111602 | Purohit PK et al., Forces... |
Diameter of myophage phi EF24C capsid | Bacteriophage phiEF24C (host Enterococcus faecalis) | 93 (±7) | nm | 104856 | Uchiyama J, Rashel M... |
Number of ATP consumed to pack DNA in capsid | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 0.5 | ATP/bp | 103127 | Chemla YR, Aathavan K... |
Intracapsid pressure resulting from DNA packaging | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 60 | Atm | 103129 | Smith DE, Tans SJ, Smith SB... |
Force required to package DNA in capsid | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 57 | pN | 103126 | Smith DE, Tans SJ, Smith SB... |
Burst size of myophage phi EF24C | Bacteriophage phiEF24C (host Enterococcus faecalis) | ~110-120 | Virions/cell | 104857 | Uchiyama J et al., Isolation... |
Vmax to pack DNA in capsid | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 103 (±12) | bp/sec | 103170 | Chemla YR, Aathavan K... |
Physical numbers for DNA packing | Bacteriophage phi 29 | Table - link | N/A | 111612 | Purohit PK et al., Forces... |
Radius of capsid | Bacteriophage Lambda | 292 | Å | 106443 | Earnshaw WC, Harrison... |
Hill coefficient for binding ATP to ATPase DNA packaging motor | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 1.2 (±0.2) | unitless | 103171 | Chemla YR, Aathavan K... |
Capsid dimensions | Bacteriophage phi 29 | Length 54nm: width 45nm | nm | 109734 | Simpson AA et al., Structure... |
Size of genome | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 19.3 | kbp | 103128 | Smith DE, Tans SJ, Smith SB... |
Duration of DNA injection to host cell | Bacteriophage phi 29 | 30 | min | 103133 | González-Huici V, Salas M... |
Structural proteins in bacteriophage N4 | Bacteriophage N4 | Table - link | N/A | 112414 | Choi KH et al., Insight... |
Size of satellite bacteriophage P4 myovirus capsid | Bacteriophage P4 | 45 (Table - link) | nm | 104851 | Baker TS, Olson NH, Fuller... |
Minimum bacterial density for bacteriophage exponential replication | Bacteriophage | ~10^4 | cells/ml | 112508 | Letarov A, Kulikov E.... |
Dimensions of bacteriophage phiCbK head | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | 64X195 | nmXnm | 104248 | Agabian-Keshishian N... |
Dimensions of bacteriophage phiCbK tail | Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus | 275 | nm | 104249 | Agabian-Keshishian N... |