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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Intracellular K+ and Na+ concentration Bacteria Mycoplasma mycoides var. Capri K+ 200-300mM: Na+ 20mM mM 115483 Leblanc G, Le Grimellec...
Rate of acid production by organisms resuspended in the presence of various substrates Bacteria Mycoplasma mycoides var. Capri Table - link µequiv. H+/mg protein/min 115484 Leblanc G, Le Grimellec...
Diameter of smallest bacteria - mycoplasma Bacteria Mycoplasma 0.2-0.4 µm 104717 Zhao H, Dreses-Werringloer U...
Longest synthetic genome Bacteria Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 1.08 Mbp 106924 Gibson DG et al., Creation...
The reductance degree of substrates or products bacteria Table - link N/A 108675 Liu Y, Zhang YG, Zhang RB...
Mean values (and standard deviation, in brackets) of internal sodium concentration [Na]i of HeLa cells Human Homo sapiens Table - link mM 108863 Luciani AM, Rosi A, Matarrese...
Volume and K+ and Na+ concentrations of mouse leukemic cell Mammalian tissue culture cell Table - link N/A 106315 Jung C, Rothstein A....
Mycoplasma genitalium database Mycoplasma genitalium link N/A 108147 http://www.wholecell...
Intracellular Cl, Na, and K concentrations Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 111425 Schultz SG, Wilson NL...
Internal sodium concentration [Na]i of lonidamine-treated HeLa cells Human Homo sapiens Table - link mM 108866 Luciani AM, Rosi A, Matarrese...
The genes of Mycoplasma genitalium categorized according to function and whether or not they were disrupted by transposon mutagenesis Bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium Table - link number of genes 116961 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Mean generation time Bacteria Bacillus mycoides 28.7 Min 109485 Herbert, D. 1961. The...
Fraction of orthologus proteins shared between GroEL-deficient bacteria and E. coli bacteria 25 - 40 % 110582 Kerner MJ, Naylor DJ...
Genome size - smallest genome of a free living bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium 5.8e+5 bp 105492 Fraser CM, et al., The...
Number of genes shared between Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria 324 genes 116959 Peterson SN, Fraser CM....
Number of pyruvate dehydrogenases Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae 100 copies/cell 107819 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Size of GroEL homomultimer Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~20 nm 107823 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Comparison of determined abundances by EM tomography, quantitative Western blotting and quantitative mass spectrometry Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae Table - link Copies/cell 108347 Maier T, Schmidt A, Güell M...
Size of ribosome Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~26 nm 107821 Kühner S et al., Proteome...
Size of pyruvate dehydrogenase Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae ~23 nm 107815 Kühner S et al., Proteome...