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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of active ATP synthases per mitochondrion Algae Euglena gracilis 2000 ATP synthases/mitochondrion 117335 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Cell volume Algae Euglena gracilis 1580 μm^3 117326 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Estimated mitochondrial power Algae Euglena gracilis 0.4 pW (power/mitochondrion) 117332 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Mitochondrial cellular population Algae Euglena gracilis 500 mitochondria /cell 117329 Peyman Fahimi and Ch ́erif...
Estimated synthetic rates in Euglena as a function of light intensity Protist Euglena spp. Table - link N/A 110196 Cook JR. Adaptations...
Appearance of armoured algae Algae ~770 Mya 113584 Olivia P. Judson, The...
Fraction of dry weight that is lipid in some algae Algae 50 - 60 % 111669 Griffiths MJ, Harrison...
The range of osmolarities found in freshwater algae Algae Table - link osmol/m^3 112734 Raven JA, Costs and Benefits...
Elemental composition of Chlorella and Euglena and the concentration of available sources of the elements in freshwater Various Table - link N/A 106372 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Permeability (Lp) values (m/s/Pa) for various micro-algae Algae Table - link m×s^-1×Pa^-1 112729 John A Raven. The energetics...
Elemental composition of Nitella and Hydrodictyon and the concentration of available sources of the elements in freshwater Green algae Table - link N/A 106373 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Measurements during logarithmic growth as a function of light intensity Protist Euglena spp. Table - link N/A 110195 Cook JR. Adaptations...
Light optimum for carbon dioxide uptake in deepest photosynthesizing red algae Red algae 0.05 μmol/m^2/sec 107741 Lars Olof Bjorn, Effect...
Estimated divergence time of red algae and green algae Plants 1142 (±167) Mya 105198 Zimmer A, Lang D, Richardt S...
Elemental composition of Macrocystis and the concentration of available sources of the elements in freshwater Brown algae Macrocystis Table - link N/A 106374 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Elemental composition of Laminaria and the concentration of available sources of the elements in freshwater Brown algae Laminaria Table - link N/A 106375 Raven JA (1984) ‘Energetics...
Photon requirements of photosynthesis in marine algae grown, and measured, at close to present day atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide Algae Table - link absorbed mol photon per mol carbon or per mol oxygen 110701 Raven, J. a, Beardall...
Kinetic data for Rubiscos from various bacteria, algae, and higher plants Various Table - link N/A 101692 Tcherkez, GG., Farquhar...
Speed of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis and Shewanella putrefaciens when tracking motile algae Pavlova lutheri and without the algae bacteria without algae ≤126µm/s: in presence of algae when not tracking ≤237µm/s: when tracking ≤445µm/s µm/s 115613 Barbara GM, Mitchell...
Number of algae (Chlorogonium sp.) in a single cell Ciliate Histiobalantium natans ≤90 algae/cell 114556 G.F. Esteban, K.J. Clarke...