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Property | Organism | Value | Units | ID | Details |
Diameter of retinal ganglion cell | African Elephant Loxodonta africana | 26.5 (14 to 65 ) | μm | 109092 | Pettigrew JD, Bhagwandin A... |
Diameter of amacrine cell | African Elephant Loxodonta africana | 10.9 (7.2 to 14.8 ) | μm | 109093 | Pettigrew JD, Bhagwandin A... |
Diameter of glial soma | African Elephant Loxodonta africana | 5.1 (3.9 to 6.8 ) | μm | 109094 | Pettigrew JD, Bhagwandin A... |
Fraction of cerebellum out of brain by volume [largest volume fraction of the cerebellum of all mammals] | African Elephant Loxodonta africana | ~30 | % | 115168 | Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces... |
Typical cell diameter | Plants | 10 to 100 | μm | 108685 | Kaare H. Jensen & Maciej... |
Predicted number of neurons in elephant brains if they scaled according to rodent cellular scaling rules | Elephant sp. | 2.3e+10 (Table - link) | neurons | 109426 | Herculano-Houzel S. The... |
Diameter of a typical mammalian nucleus | Mammals | 5 - 10 | μm | 109953 | Li GW, Xie XS. Central... |
Volume of cerebellum | Human Homo sapiens | 124.8 | cm^3 | 103178 | Andersen BB, Gundersen HJ... |
Concentration of glutamate in forebrain and cerebellum (about 50% less in various parts of brain stem) | Unspecified | 10 | µmol/g | 115056 | Krnjević, K. "Chemical... |
Volume of erythrocyte | Elephant sp. | 119.7 | μm^3 | 109091 | Stone HO, Thompson HK Jr... |
Diameter of COS-7 (African monkey kidney) cell | Mammalian tissue culture cell | 17 | μm | 108891 | http://www.invitroge... |
Estimates of the biosphere's elephants biomass | Elephant sp. | 0.1 Table - link | Mt C | 109623 | Vaclav Smil, The Earth's... |
Average cortical neuron density | Asiatic elephant Elephas maximus | 6900 | neurons/mm^3 | 109090 | Tower DB. Structural... |
Pie charts of median values of bacterial genera present in fecal samples of African and European children | Human Homo sapiens | Graph - link | % | 111321 | De Filippo C. et al.... |
Predicted cellular composition of whale and elephant brains if they scaled according to rodent or primate cellular scaling rules | Mammals | Table - link | N/A | 109331 | Herculano-Houzel S. The... |
Effect of Hb Concentration on Oxygen-binding Properties (P50, in mmHg) and Hill coefficient (n50) of Hb from human, mammoth and Asian elephant | Mammals | Table - link | N/A | 109545 | Yuan Y, Shen TJ, Gupta P... |
Ratio between Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes (F/B ratio) in feces of European and African children | bacteria | European 2.8±0.06 African 0.47±0.05 | unitless | 111695 | De Filippo C. et al.... |
Amounts of SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) in fecal samples from African and European children | Human Homo sapiens | Table - link | µmol/g feces | 111696 | De Filippo C. et al.... |
Mitochondrial protein in egg | African clawed frog Xenopus laevis | 10 | µgrams | 100286 | Igor and Dawid, Dev.... |
Mitochondrial rRNA in egg | African clawed frog Xenopus laevis | 20 | ng | 100283 | Igor and Dawid, Dev.... |