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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Membrane potential under different growth conditions Bacteria Escherichia coli (-140)-(-105) Table - link mV 103386 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
Quinone content and membrane potential after aerobic and anaerobic growth on glucose and the electron acceptors O2, nitrate, fumarate or DMSO Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 104410 Unden G, Bongaerts J....
Redox potential of ubiquinone after aerobic and anaerobic growth on glucose and the electron acceptors Os, nitrate, fumarate or DMSO Bacteria Escherichia coli 110 mV 104411 Unden G, Bongaerts J....
Redox potential of menaquinone after aerobic and anaerobic growth on glucose and various electron acceptors Bacteria Escherichia coli -80 mV 104412 Unden G, Bongaerts J....
Typical membrane potential bacteria ~-150 mV 109774 Lo CJ, Leake MC, Pilizota T...
Membrane potential and proton potential under different growth conditions Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 103400 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
Minimal proton stoichiometry for ATP synthesis by ATP synthase under different growth conditions (equivalent to 9.3-10.8 H+/rotation) Bacteria Escherichia coli 3.1-3.6 H+/ATP molecule 103390 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
ATP/ADP ratio under different growth conditions in exponential growth range Bacteria Escherichia coli 5.6-10.3 Unitless 103384 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
Phosphorylation potential and ATP and ADP contents of e. coli grown with different electron acceptors Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 103399 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
Membrane reversal potential Bacteria Escherichia coli for Cl- +12.9mV: for K+ -17.5mV mV 110715 Martinac B, Buechner M...
pH difference across membrane under different growth conditions Bacteria Escherichia coli 0.18-0.3 Unitless 103387 Tran QH, Unden G. Changes...
Membrane potential Fungus -50 and -300 mV 107759 van Eunen K et al., Measuring...
Membrane proton motive force (PMF) Bacteria Escherichia coli 180-200 mV 102120 Kinoshita N, Unemoto T...
Membrane potential change as pH changes from 7 to 5 Bacteria Escherichia coli pH 7 134±17mV: pH 5 85±13 mV mV 109775 Lo CJ, Leake MC, Pilizota T...
Ion Concentration Ratios, Calculated Equilibrium Potentials, and Measured Transmembrane Potentials Various Table - link N/A 104083 Stein, Wilfred D., Litman...