The number of Bcd transcription factor molecules per nucleus

Value 20000 Molecules/nucleus Range: Table - link Molecules/nucleus
Organism Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Reference Mark D. Biggin, Animal Transcription Networks as Highly Connected, Quantitative Continua, Developmental cell Volume 21, Issue 4, 18 October 2011, Pages 611-626 DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2011.09.008 p.617 table 1PubMed ID22014521
Primary Source Little SC, Tkacik G, Kneeland TB, Wieschaus EF, Gregor T. The formation of the Bicoid morphogen gradient requires protein movement from anteriorly localized mRNA. PLoS Biol. 2011 Mar9(3):e1000596.PubMed ID21390295
Method (primary source abstract:) "[Researchers] adapt a novel method of fluorescent in situ hybridization to quantify the global spatio-temporal dynamics of bicoid mRNA particles."
Comments P.617 left column bottom paragraph: "A survey of all credible published estimates that [Biggin] could find for four well studied species suggests that most animal transcription factors are expressed at 10,000–300,000 molecules per nucleus (Table 1). These estimates are further supported by [his] own experience and that of many other biochemists who have purified additional endogenous transcription factors with similar yields to the proteins in Table 1." P.620 right column bottom paragraph: "The data in Table 1 may be biased toward easily studied proteins, so the identification of transcription factors expressed at lower levels may identify better candidates for Coselective DNA Binding-based regulation." Bcd measured in anterior blastoderm nuclei
Entered by Uri M
ID 106843