Estimates of Rate and Dissociation Constants Describing DNA Polymerase delta-Catalyzed Reactions

Range Table - link
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Meng X, Zhou Y, Lee EY, Lee MY, Frick DN. The p12 subunit of human polymerase delta modulates the rate and fidelity of DNA synthesis. Biochemistry. 2010 May 4 49(17):3545-54. p. 3549 table 2PubMed ID20334433
Method Researchers examined the kinetics of DNA synthesis and degradation catalyzed by Pol d3 and Pol d4 and their exonuclease- deficient mutants to provide insights into the nature of their functional differences. The rates of DNA synthesis were examined by pre-steady-state kinetic analysis and reveal that the loss of p12 decreases kpol. Recombinant human PCNA, wildtype and mutated polymerases were expressed in insect cells.
Comments DNA Polymerase d4 is the wildtype composed of four subunits, d3 is a polymerase without the p12 (smallest) subunit. See notes under table. References to note 'i' are under table. Studies in budding yeast have provided evidence that Pol e synthesizes most of the DNA on the leading strand template, while Pol d synthesizes most of the DNA on the lagging strand template (9, 10). However, the extent to which this division of labor takes place in the replication of the more complex genome of mammalian cells is still uncertain (9, 10). Pol d also plays a role in gap filling during DNA repair processes (11). (Numbers in parentheses point to references in article)
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ID 105485