Cross sectional area of actin filament bundle in contractile ring

Value 0.027 μm^2 Range: ±0.019 μm^2
Organism Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Reference Wu JQ, Pollard TD. Counting cytokinesis proteins globally and locally in fission yeast. Science. 2005 Oct 14 310(5746) Supporting Online Material for reference at p. 6 top paragraphPubMed ID16224022
Method "[Researchers] measured the region of the contractile ring excluding ribosomes using Image J. software ( The cross sectional area of actin filament bundle in the contractile ring was 0.027 ± 0.019 µm2 (N = 10)."
Comments Cells have a regular rod shape with a constant diameter
Entered by Uri M
ID 102279