Comments |
P.7248 right column 4th paragraph: "Inverse Correlation Between S[c/o] and k[c]cat. As noted above, the data
support this prediction very well (Fig. 3B). Furthermore, they show that the trend reflects the [CO2]:[O2] ratio prevailing in the
subcellular situation where the Rubisco is located. High environmental [CO2]:[O2] ratios can be caused by low or zero [O2]
(in anaerobes) or by the operation of a CO2-concentrating mechanism (Table 1, column 2)." P.7250 right column 2nd paragraph: “The inability of low-S[c/o] high-k[c]cat Rubiscos from anaerobic organisms, such as Rhodospirillum rubrum (Table 1), to support positive carbon gain at current atmospheric CO2 and O2 concentrations and temperatures (refs 31, 35) underscores the importance of adaptive optimization of the transition state for CO2 addition along the reactant-/product-like coordinate.” |