Mutation frequency with Ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) as mutagen

Value 25 mismatch/10^6 bp Range: Table - link mismatch/10^6 bp
Organism Durum wheat Triticum durum
Reference Parry MA et al., Mutation discovery for crop improvement. J Exp Bot. 2009 60(10):2817-25. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erp189. p.2819 table 1PubMed ID19516074
Primary Source Slade AJ, Fuerstenberg SI, Loeffler D, Steine MN, Facciotti D. 2005. A reverse genetic, nontransgenic approach to wheat crop improvement by TILLING. Nature Biotechnology 23, 75–81.PubMed ID15580263
Method Reverse genetics, TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes)
Entered by Uri M
ID 109873