Minimum pore diameter of K+ channel, arbitrarily defined by adjusting the size of a pentagon formed by five oxygen atoms

Range 0.3 to 0.33 nm
Organism Generic
Reference Latorre R, Miller C. Conduction and selectivity in potassium channels. J Membr Biol. 1983 71(1-2):11-30. p.15 left column 2nd paragraphPubMed ID6300405
Primary Source Hille, B. 1975. In: Membranes, A Series of Advances. G. Eisenman, editor. Vol. 3, pp. 255-323. Dekker, New York
Method "The minimum pore diameter, arbitrarily defined by adjusting the size of a pentagon formed by five oxygen atoms, is 0.3-0.33 nm [primary source]."
Entered by Uri M
ID 109170