Number of NF-kB p65 transcription factor molecules per TNFα stimulated T-leukemia cell line

Value 120000 Molecules/cell Range: Table - link Molecules/cell
Organism Human Homo sapiens
Reference Mark D. Biggin, Animal Transcription Networks as Highly Connected, Quantitative Continua, Developmental cell Volume 21, Issue 4, 18 October 2011, Pages 611-626 DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2011.09.008 p.617 table 1PubMed ID22014521
Primary Source Hottiger MO, Felzien LK, Nabel GJ. Modulation of cytokine-induced HIV gene expression by competitive binding of transcription factors to the coactivator p300. EMBO J. 1998 Jun 1 17(11):3124-34.PubMed ID9606194
Comments "A survey of all credible published estimates that [Biggin] could find for four well studied species suggests that most animal transcription factors are expressed at 10,000–300,000 molecules per nucleus (Table 1). These estimates are further supported by [his] own experience and that of many other biochemists who have purified additional endogenous transcription factors with similar yields to the proteins in Table 1." "The data in Table 1 may be biased toward easily studied proteins, so the identification of transcription factors expressed at lower levels may identify better candidates for Coselective DNA Binding-based regulation."
Entered by Uri M
ID 106909