Acceleration of cnidocyte discharge

Value 40000 g force
Organism Cnidaria
Reference G. Kass-Simon and A.A. Scappaticci, Jr. The behavioral and developmental physiology of nematocysts. Can. J. Zool. Vol. 80, 2002, pp 1781
Method Discharge takes about 10 microseconds and since the tip of the stylets travels a distance of about 20 um, the average velocity of 2 m/s suggests an acceleration of 40 000 × g. According to equation of motion D=t^2*a/2. D=2E-5 meters, t=1E-5 sec
Comments A cnidocyte, cnidoblast or nematocyte, is a type of venomous cell unique to the phylum Cnidaria. g force=9.8 m/s^2. According to recent measurements value may be 5 million g's (see BNID 105575)
Entered by Uri M
ID 102414