Mean cell diameters of eleven types of mammalian cells

Range Table - link µm
Organism Mammals
Reference Ocqueteau C et al., Three-dimensional morphometry of mammalian cells. I. Diameters. Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago). 1989 Jul22(2):89-95 p.92 figure 2PubMed ID2694968
Method Morphometric analysis
Comments P.92 left column 2nd paragraph: "The similarities of the eleven mammalian cell types can be established by means of the cluster analysis, which leads to the dendrogram illustrated in Fig. 1. As shown in this dendrogram, the greatest similarities exist between cell types 10 and 11, then between the types 2 and 7, followed by types 4 and 9. An equivalent conclusion is obtained by means of the traditional statistic analysis (Fig. 2), in which again the greatest similarities occur between cell types 10 and 11, 2 and 7, and finally between 4 and 9. These three groups of cells not only have similar shapes (D1, D2 and D3) but also the absolute sizes (expressed in µm) were taken into account in this analysis. It is interesting to note, that in accordance with the dendrogram (Fig. 1) and the traditional statistical analysis (Fig. 2), the greatest dissimilarities occur with cell types 1 (glomerular epithelium cells), 6 (adipocytes), and 8 (Purkinje cells). With regard to the principal component analysis, it is worth mentioning that the first and second principal component explain 99.3% of the cell diameter variability. From the two principal component scores [investigators] obtained four clusters, as shown in Fig. 3, which confirm [their] previous conclusions (see Fig. 1 and 2)."
Entered by Uri M
ID 115473